Well, it must be spring... or thereabouts. and formerly missing white women...

I wasn't paying attention, really. Except the apt. got warm, so I assumed it was mild out.

And went out at ten p.m., to get cigarettes, and it was so mild it was odd after all the cold. And had my winter coat thrown over me, which is having its' last season... and a mess of young people were out on the square in shorts and light hoodies. So I thought... whelp, you KNOW you're asking for a nasty spring cold, dont'cha? Which makes me old. Very ollld. Because when I was in my twenties and early thirties, the first day like that, I was out in a wind-sheltered corner of somewhere getting rid of my winter whiteness, and was out in short-sleeved shirts and light clothing, which, let's face it, is a nice change after all the gear you have to put on in winter.

So I should 'talk', right?

Even if it's in my head. Except..... back then, I only wore them during the height of the day. When it was warmest.

Guess the little buggers are hot-blooded.

So what's been happening? Dejà vu. Let's see, what's been happening? Well, there is an ongoing parliamentary investigation into a huge scandal involving the telekom. Involving lobbyists, corruption, bribes, and all the happy shit that comes with that stuff. Sound familiar? Except the numbers here were sort of laughable compared to what we've seen across the pond. But ya gotta hand it to the conservatives... the lead guy on the committee is being investigated and refused to step down. It's a 'conspiracy', yup, uh-huh...

People are basically disappointing. What caused a world-wide lack of a sense of morals, what is right, and got replaced with greed and disparaging people who have less means than the wealthy do? It wasn't like that before.

And that is another thing that amazed and bothered me of late. They re-opened the case of the kidnapped girl, now woman who was kept captive for eighteen years, because... a) they think there was something fishy about it, in that some accomplices might have been involved, and she hasn't been acting 'normal'. And maybe it had to do with white slavery, or something. They say.

After two years and I hadn't been paying attention, that is so wrong on so many levels.

I put out some feelers asking, 'why bring that all up again after two years, hey?'

Well, popular opinion is... something is fishy about the whole thing. And out comes the envy. 'No one can tell me she got so educated just through the radio.' 'No one can tell me that someone like that gets a tee-vee show and can be so sovereign.' 'And she bought the house that she was held captive for sentimental reasons.... who does something like that?'

Fishy... they say, and it went to a parliametary investigation, and the whole damned story gets drudged through the mud yet again. And produced some really bizarre side stories... like a policeman taking money to go into a grade school and get a dna sample of a child per dinner napkin to find out if some kid was another of the kidnapped woman's children. You can't make stuff like that up, hey. Creepy. Needless to say, the child wasn't.

And then the worst of the yellow press, Bild Zeitung in Germany.... I can't even begin to tell you how awful they are. Sort of a cross between The National Enquirer and The Sun. Only worse. And they came up with some fake photo of the dead kidnapper.... who threw himself under a train after she escaped.... without a head, so, of COURSE it wasn't him, and he's still at large, and wow, something is 'fishy'. Leave it to the journaille.

I can't even pretend to think of why she would have bought that house. But sorta think it had to do with confronting her past.... she did grow up there, after all. 'Who knows how someone would feel about a place where they grew up for 18 years? And bore children? People have their own way of confronting what traumatised them.

I wouldn't want to be that woman... with all that envy and suspicion... because she doesn't behave as what they think a 'victim' should in their opinion. It's sort of disgusting.

What I didn't see in the news over there this week was a tragic accident. Belgian school kids on ski vacation in Switzerland... they started home on a bus and it crashed into a tunnel wall... 22 students dead, 6 adults, including the driver and co-driver, and 2o some odd kids in critical condition. And hey, the busses had seat belts, whaddaya know? It was gruesome. And an hourly cnn type update for days. Journaille.

The more I hear from Rick Sanatorium and co... the less I wish to comment. With a field like that and mr. animatronic... I really don't think it will be much of a race in the end. Hopefully. But there is sure a lack of coverage regarding syria... and that guy who offed all those people in afghanistan? Heard more here, than from there. Like, he had a head wound in iraq, but was ok for afghanistan yet again.... and supposedly drunk. Way to go, guy. That's a mess, would say.

And the planet keeps turning, and somehow people keep taking in oxygen they shouldn't be entitled to. And how was YOUR week?

2 Responses to "Well, it must be spring... or thereabouts. and formerly missing white women..."

Anntichrist S. Coulter says
25 March 2012 at 15:35

In re: Sanctorum the fetus-slinger (d'ya ever hear what he did with the miscarried fetus?? It may be a lotta hooey, but there may be some kernel of truth in there somewhere, like his poor idiotic wife-slave ain't bred ENOUGH for him..) --- can somebody PLEASE get that fucktard cocksucking racist cracker motherfucking closet-case OUT OF MY STATE!??!?!?

Yesterday was the one time I've ever wished that I was registered as "undecided" so that I coulda voted in the republicunt primary! Except... with nothing but THOSE four losers, how could I vote against 'em all with no actual sane folk in the race? Tsk... *sigh*

And yes, I R not ded yet. Court @ 10A tomorrow morning to tell me how long I can camp here before the lying scumbag whores put me and Biddy in the street. Biddy's been wheezing something awful, a lot like Bubbe Boy was doing before, well, you know. I was going to take her to the emergency clinic that charges 4-5X retail, 'cause they know that if it's an after-bidness-hours real-live EMERGENCY, that they've got pet-owners/animal-lovers OVER THE GIMP BARREL AND THAT THEY CAN CAN FUCK 'EM RAW INTO THE POOR-HOUSE. Hundred bucks for the office visit and A HUNDRED SIXTY-FIVE BUCKS FOR THE FUCKING *CHEST* X-RAY ON A LITTLE FUCKING ***CAT***!!!!!! Oughta be a fucking law against such barbarism.

She got much better after I talked to those disgusting thieves, but the wheeze comes and goes. She FINALLY ate for the first time in 2 days a little while ago, and went outside TWICE this morning to graze & bask in the sun, so that HAS to be some good omen, huh? I don't wanna wait too long like we were forced to do with Boy, but all I've got is the hundred, y'know? By tomorrow after court, if I can find a vet's that'll take her on short notice, I'm going to take her to a REAL vet and that hundred will reach for the office visit AND a chest x-ray.

Since she's perked-up so much, I think that it's safe for me to take a nap now, then I'm gonna run to the store quick and get right back, even though I didn't get anything moved into the storage unit all weekend. If I get that 24-hour notice that the bitchy new "case worker" for the StartCorp twinks who were supposed to PREVENT all of this shit threw at me as a "helpful hint" on Friday evening, well, then fuckit, I'll just have to hire a local crackhead with some cigarettes and hump it 'til I can't move any more. My legal aid lawyer has high hopes that this WON'T happen, but he's also young and cocky. He's done this a few hundred times by now, I know, but when I was 29, I thought that *I* could still tackle and do anything, too. Phthewy phthewy, scratch that, knock wood, don't wanna jinx it. No, I'm not usually superstitious, but look at all of the bad shit that's fallen down lately --- it's almost enough to make me resort to santeria...

Anywho, I know that I owe you about eighty e-mails and ain't mentally equipped for shit, let alone actual WRITING right now, but I just wanted to let you know that I aten't ded, to cop a phrase from Mentis. Miss you and promise to try harder to stay in touch, sweetie. Take care of yourself and Peter the best that you can, but make damned sure to get plenty of REST, too --- you know what stress does to both of us, and who needs more of THAT?!?!

In re: the captive woman --- maybe she is in on a scam, but maybe she sees that house as the scene of her final triumph over that sick motherfucker. Maybe she remembers her babies being born there, I dunno how breeders think, honestly, but who the FUCK thinks that they can judge a victim's veracity based upon her INTELLIGENCE?!?!??! Arrogant fucks.

Love you. All the hugs and love in the world,

RenB says
25 March 2012 at 20:48

Ok... Sanatorium 'won' your state, and I wasn't surprised. Nothing you could have done about it, darlin', and so good to hear your dulcet voice.

Yup, I KNOW about the fetus... Taking it home to say goodbye to it's sibs. That IS why I call him sanatorium... he belongs in one. And I don't wanna know what all else the man has for execreble things in his past or how he thinks. Heard enough already.

As to Biddy... oh, that hits home, esp. the vet bills. They are horriblly high here. I was in the supermarket the other day, and this seventy-something lady was mooning over the chicken refrigerator... looking for a bargain, which she KNEW would be the next day. Because... her dog was ailing, and she couldn't afford to take him to a vet, but said that if he got chicken, it would help. She sort of rambled and was distraught.

It's horrible, and it's everywhere, and for women like her... she will be not eating for herself in order to get the best for her doggie.

As to the woman held hostage... that goes on... but there are worse things. Post to come.

And I love you too, darlin'
