You'll probably think I am very selfish from the post below

Or that 'love' conquers all, and for better and for worse and all that.....

I'd still take the 'till death do us part' vow in it... and boy, I've done the 'in sickness and health' to the very best of my ability.

There is a difference between taking 'love' to such an extreme you lose everything and land on the sreeets so never bought the 'for richer or poorer'.

I don't mean in the sense that he got poor so I dumped him... nothing further from the truth. We were poor at the beginning. And for a while he was rich. I didn't like the rich part. It drove a huge wedge into our relationship, and he wasn't to be restrained. But then again, he thought he only had seven years to live, thanks to the media. So I didn't like that part. Except for maybe making a few people I love happy..

So not really.... too much to worry about.

I liked the middle part where we were getting along famously, and there was 'just enough'.

Relationships are so fragile. Horrendous things like illness really change you both in a relationship. One the patient, one the care-giver.

To love and to cherish? Well, gawwd knows, whoever she is, the love part was never a problem.

It's so easy if you 'fit'. The 'cherish' part? That is a bit more difficult.

We so often do not live up to one another's expectations, and then you can't really 'cherish' them... You want to send them to the Blue Blazes.

Everyone has their relationships, is what I'm trying to say, I guess. They get more complicated the longer you have one.

'To have and to hold'?

Oh that is the easiest part of all....

And I still wouldn't have gotten married, which is possible here for a year or so now.

It would have meant having unlimited trust. Maybe they should put THAT in marriage vows... and I wouldn't have been able to do it. Then, when things were good... Or now.

And it was never about economics. It was about basic honesty about EVERYTHING.

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