Prelude in C minor -- Merrimack 1957

The desires of the heart are as twisted as corkscrews.
Not to be born is best for the man.
The second best is a formal order,
The dance's pattern; dance while you can.
Dance, dance, for the figure is easy,
The tune is catching and will never stop.
Dance till the stars come down from the rafters;
Dance, dance, dance till you drop.
(Death's Echo---- W. H. Auden)

Prelude in C Minor: Merrimack, 1957

for the counselors of summer camps

On the dirt stairs, my broom
Swept the needles, both psychic and physical;
Swept the dust on my soul and wth walk;
Swept the accusations implied in our talks,
And swept the time, the unceasing creeping time.
You asked must I really go.
I admired you in a way undefinable.
Sensed that you knew what had passed;
Sensed you wished to explain or to ask;
Sensed you were somehow hindered;
Sensed the heavy reproach implied in that
'Must you really go now?'
That drew me, although I felt the danger;
That if I stayed, nothing would change;
That if I stayed, I'd still be called strange;
That if I stayed, you'd stay--away.
I said, 'Yes, it's best I go now.'

Graz, 21. 06.1979

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