Things I heard on the news, hey...

Local and national....

Whelp, the coalition government.. actually TALK to one another... although the conservative cathlick party will NOT raise any taxes... wonder where they got THAT from... can we really try reeeeeally hard and exercise our brain muscles?

Which aren't a real thing, I will admit.

And OH, joy, Hungary is going bankrupt, Greece is going bankrupt, and the EU is congtemplating de-coupling them from the Euro, except Hungary never accepted that currency, and still has the forint, which is now worth... nada.

Now, Hungary got a HUGE infusion of investment monies from the US when the Iron Curtain ceased to exist over twenty years ago, and boy, they got their financial fingers in many pies and projects. So why now?

I think I have an answer, although it sounds totally paranoid. They hated that the Euro became more valuable than the dollar. Hated it. So, let's just imagine, if you were an investment banker, and a 'Murkin, what would you do? Right, kill it. But here you have Goldman Sachs tanking Greece by selling them junk bonds, and too early to say what the hell they did in Hungary... and Italy, where they gov't is always corrupt, as its's a way of life there, and what the hell happened in Spain?

Yup, am paranoid, but I know a rat when I smell it.

And of course, they will play on national animosities to cover their tracks, am sure.

And yes, that is cynical, but the only thing that makes sense at the moment.

There is a lot of reporting on this... except no one digs into the question 'WHY?' 'HOW?' 'WHO?' 'WHEN'?' Journamalism is in a sorry state.. So it is presented a sort of miracle, hey.. pfui.

These thoughts aren't proveable, nor did I go digging... just gut instinct.

So let's go to some fun news. Now every year, 'everyone' goes skiing between Dec 26th and Jan 6th... if you listen to the radio. 'They are so far out of reality, it's pitiful.

And EVERY year, there's a snowstorm out west, and the most coveted, beautiful ski resorts get snowed in and cut off from civilisation, and it's all the schlock stations blather on about.

And they get stranded and can't get back to work, the poor things....

The only stranding I ever got was in Venice... got up one morning in a hotel room to die for, note under the door... 'don't come down, breakffast will be delivered to your room, we're under water.' Hokay.. I used to kid Peter there... 'do you ever get this 'sinking' feeling?'

Well, there were high winds, and the highways in and out were snowed under, no access, and so on, but they always act as if it were something new.

'Today they did something seemingly unprecedented. When there is that much snow, the trees along the highway get overburdened with the weight of the snow on the branches, you see... And they can break, fall into the lanes, and cause accidents, so the roads get closed.

Today they sent out helimacopters, yup. They went all along the highways very low, and the downdraft knocked all the snow off the branches, seemingly. I doubt it was very safe for them to do that... but interesting.

We have a saying... emergencies make for innovation... sort of like that.

Sort of ... if you're in trouble, you get creative.

Who would have thought helicopters could be so useful, hey.

There were the usual tragedies, of course. A four year old boy got a car dropped on his head.. that was the lead.. He was just playing near his dad, who was working on his car, had jacked it up, and it slipped off the jack, and crushed the kid's head. I wouldn't like to be in his shoes... that was local

In Veinna, a 17 year old snapped and knifed his mother and grandmother and then tried killing himself. Except help came and they stopped them and wth women are still in critical condition. That sort of thing can be national news here, can you believe it?

AAANNND.. as you know, I lurvs me some Desperate Housewives, amd have ofthen thought some of the story lines were way beyond believable, but TODAY? One of them became true as gold, hey.

Some guy got caught having stored his deceased wife in a freezer so he could keep on collecting her pension. Seemingly, someone noticed and did some whistle blowing. I believe he got about 100,000 Euros illegally doing that. Nice sum. And it cracked me up, because it was a story line in that series. Life imitates art, hey.

Well, in the series, the woman had her husband in a freezer. But didn't get penalized. THIS guy? Could face up to five years in prison.

And WHY, please, aren't we seeing anyone going to prison for tanking half a continent? Accountablility only ever is for the bottom two thirds of any given country, I guess. Why am I disgusted?

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