A New Year, a new beginning... however you wanna see it...

I wish everyone a good one, so HAPPY NEW YEAR.

I was one of the few people on-line, with Lady Shurkins, Zack, Grandpa Simpson, and a few others, and we had a whale of a time running our moufs about how obnoxious the fireworks were.

And what people might have done better with all that money instead of shooting it in the air for a few seconds of 'oh, pretty, colors, lights!'

It was a fun bitch-fest.

For the past three days people have had their pets on valium, because they go bonkers over all the fireworks, cherry bombs, firecrackers and what not. And that is not a joke, they put them on valium to keep them half-way calm.

Milady and I had a nice private discussion. Very friendly, full of good wishes.

So here we still are... 2012. Shhheeee-it.

Am certain it won't be much better for me, but I do wish it will be spectacular for all those who land here and read this. I wish you all everything good.

So yeah, Happy New Year.

And someone bless us one and all, etc. etc.

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