Yes, very nice that they wanted to bring Guantanamo to an end, very laudable....
But as USUAL, with the US, they want to shunt everything off to their 'Allies'.
The big news which has caused a firestorm of discussion here is that they are demanding that the EU countries take over the current detainees, and deal with them.
EXCUSE ME, PLEASE? How was that again?
Have had the flu for the last thirty-six hours, so maybe it is a fever dream, but no, was just on the news again. Have been hot and cold, and need to get back to bed, and don't have time to Google, but I can't remember anyone over here greeting the creation of Guantanamo. On the contrary, the indignance was off the charts for angry.
So is that the solution? We take all these poor people who have been mistreated for up to eight years, and 'deal' with them?
Good luck to anyone who tries to do THAT.
And all I have to say is the old addage, 'YOU BROKE IT, YOU FIX IT OR PAY FOR IT.'
And THAT is accountability. Asking us to put the shards back together is incredibly arrogant.
Got another fever coming on, so will be blessedly short-winded.
Tja 'necessary' things happening, and things that can be angering. Business as usual.
Written on Monday, January 26, 2009 by RenB
Well, well, well.... so much for fucking accountability
Written on Thursday, January 22, 2009 by RenB
I hate it when I get sarcastic, and prove to be right...
Early Wednesday, looking at the re-hash of the inauguration over at Peter's on multiple tee-vee channels, and trying to warm up, I suddenly caught on to the flub in the swearing in of the oath thing, and told him, 'Oh fuck, want to bet some people aren't going to recognise him because he got it not quite right?'
It was a fucking joke on my part, by the way. Imagine my horror to wake up this morning and find this NON-STORY all over the papers, the tee-vee channels from CNN to Austrian and German stations to Al Jazeera. Petty? Pathetic. And it has begun... Faux News really rode it, but thank whomever we don't get to see them here any more.
President Obama did hit the ground running. 'They' are not going to give him one break, let alone one hundred days... (Or what have YOU been smoking???) The last ball guests hadn't gone home yet, and it began.
(You have to remember that because of the time difference, we get the brunt of yesterday's news a day later.... Unless you are up late at night, as I often am....)
There is a horrible journamalist on CNN in the London office we see here... He's a whiner of the first magnitude. And asked silly questions about expectations, and what he really can acheive, and his liberal intervieweees slapped him the fuck down. Negativism, pure negativism....
Adrian something or other. Petty. Whining. Nawsty.....
Al Jazeera was interesting today. I enjoy looking at 'Inside Story'. They picked apart President Obama's inauguration speech paragraph for paragraph, and discussed each one with experts from all over the Middle East, and England, and explained how they perceived it, and what it meant to them. Fascinating, just fascinating. Cautiously optimistic, little negative feedback.
Imagine my surprise to see a fairly long interview with Benita Ferrero Wallner, who was our Sec-State, and is now big in the European Union. As Sec-State, she was abysmal. Our Chanel-Barbie seems to have learned a lot in the past few years. As Christian Dem, I disliked her muchly. But today she impressed the shit out of me. Al Jazeera can be very confrontational with their questions. Which is what good journalism, REAL journalism, should be about.
She laid out what the policy line is, (it was about Gaza), wasn't sparing with critical words for both sides, but very diplomatic. As Austrian, that is one fine line to tread. She did very well, and went up some points in my estimation.
Whatever, on a more tongue-in-cheek note.... we lost our last Sec State in the last formation of our government a few mothths ago. Princess Sparkle Pony is gonna be without a job. He is a blogger out of DC, and luuuuuvvved him some Ursula Plassnik. She is tall, blonde., smart, a full-blooded diplomat, elegant, and did a lot of good, and was very respected by all sides of the spectrum. PSP sort of fell in love with her. And used to post photos of Condi's faux pas in fasion, juxtaposed to the 'fabulous' 'Ushi'. Hokay, whatever gets you off, found it strange, but have immense respect for the woman. Ushi, not the pianist.)
So, you see? There ARE other things going on in the world.....
Oh yes.... for the fluff, Aretha Franklin was on the tube. She was not happy with her performance, defended her hat, (and my gay gene has to come to the fore here, and yelled, 'What were you thinking, lady???) But the voice.... If I had my druthers..... I would have wished that she would have sung 'Respect'. That really woke me up, and there are a lot of people who need that right now.
So what can we gather? There are a LOT of mean people out there in Never-Never Land. I hope those in power stay on course, and stick by their principles.
Written on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 by RenB
Well, nice party... What is next?
There were many moments that moved me.
Huddled in a blanket, cursing inwardly at the idiocy of my landlords changing the heating system in the coldest period of the year, and shivering.
Not fun.
But still, was moved...
Because I was thinking of my siblings, and their children, and how important that must have been to them all.
No, they do not talk to me any more.
But I like most of what I saw, and seemingly, so did the rest of the world. That is comforting....
Not up to posting much more, it is too cold, feel miserable, and WHERE IS MY CHICKEN SOUP?
Huh, gotta make it myself----as usual.
I think the guy will do ok... if not phenomenal...
just when you think there is some sortof conciliation-.-.-.-They give you a band-aid instead of a tourniquet-....
0 CommentsBishop Gene Robinson from New hampshire was asked to give an invocation at the Lincoln Memorial last night.
He is Anglican, and gay. He was suposed to be the band-aid. Because of them inviting the insidious, gay-hating, right-wing Rick Warren to give the invocation at the inauguration tomorrow. Because they are all incuclusive, god dammit... Right...
I have seen the text. It is provocative, but true. And hardly insulting to anyone else. It was conciliatory.
But no.... the tee-vee programme eliminated that, and at the live event, most of the half-million people couldn't hear him.
And supposedly, it was Barack's decision.
My personal dream is to have all the people at the inauguration stick their fingers in their ears,and scream, 'Can't HEAAR You, LA, La, La! Nope, CAN'T HEAR you, you sons of bitches.. and bastards,' when Rick Warren decides to spread his hate and gets covered by fucking Larry King, and thank whomever I can't get Faux neews....
It is about adding insult to injury.
How odd... How queer.... I KNOW for a fact that many gay people helped him get elected.
And I am angry.....
Inclusive? Uh-HUH....
It is NOT about the inauguration. He is gonna fuck us over, just like everyone else has before.
Things got better, but not good enough.
Thank you, Barack. That makes me feel like the new nigger of the century. The one who gets ostracised, only it was all my life, too, so I can USE the word. And I never USE that word.
But that is how it makes me feel.
Thank you, Barack... I fled your hating country decades ago, and am happy to live in a country where I can walk down a street and not get KILLED for my perceived sexuality.
Not that I hang it out...
Ohh, you have FUN tomorrow..
But you know WHAT? You will never get a fucking cent from me. EVER.
Written on Saturday, January 17, 2009 by RenB
Ok.. someone came up with a good idea the past couple of days....
If the Israelis do not want to make nice.... boycott them.
If they want to have 'special status' Hokay..
It isn't as if they got a long ride on their history. But wehen the basically tell the Un with BOMBS, 'fuck you to hell', they lose my sympathy. International laws are supposed to be KEPT, not broken.
So yes, boycott them. Not that it is going to happen... But it would be right.
I am ont on any 'side'.... But this has been wrong, right from the beginninhg. That Israel would be the worst aggressor isn't surprising....
Let's make up a hypthetical case here.... I used to live in a fifteen sqare meter room. Fifteen years ago. Lots of Middle East people there. So what if I were to go back there, and take out a UZI and fuck them over, and say, 'This is MY home, you mo-fo's' That is a 'solution' that guarantees death and destruction for you All, and get out of my fucking house.'
And you would be pretty pissed off
I do not wish anyone on this planet hurt in any way, but what I have seen in the last three weeks are war crimes. Should we all turn away, because they suffered so much in the past?
Kill as many as you can?
What is a sane answer?
It all disgsts me.... and gives me headachesl...
Written on by RenB
Just when you think ýou get a respite..,.. you get a cold snap...
Happened three hours ago, and my thermometer went limp as if my dick was all ready, and my testicles decided to hibernate for the winter in my abdomen, and it went as limp as a wet noodle on a chilly rainy day in June. Not that I have ever experienced that, mind you, but imagined....
So I had to turn on the space heater. Oooooo Money....
I really should have called this blog 'I HATE my LIFE', and got it over with.
It will have been a YEAR since I got squeeeezed out of my job. One I really loved, if not my bosses... Yes, I know, I have a lack of respect, and am moufy, but the latter never without just cause.
So... the wild things who DECIDE things hammered me into meeting with an 'expert' in early February. And decide if I can retire...
I was surfing on Peter's box the other day and ran across a really crass station, RTL.... And there was this horrible thing on there... Mitten im Leben, 'in the middle of your life'. uh-huh...
So... there is this thirty-nine year old gay hairdresser, whose own hair looks like, 'ok, not gonna vist this guy' who is unemployed. And a guy who is fourty-one, a retired fire dept. guy, and an idjit.
And this channel has the BALLS to show their drama queen idiocy on the tee-vee. OOOooooo... jealousy, fights, it was so below the belt and denigrating to the rest of the community I nearly barfed.
Gawd, I could top that any day of the week. 'Hamas! Hamas! Hamas! You are an Islamist!'
'Just shut up and eat your soup.'
It takes over thirty years to get to the point where you can't say that..
Believe me... And it IS a game, where you duel...
Life is a fucking JOKE.
Written on Thursday, January 15, 2009 by RenB
NOW I am upset...
This morning I got the dubitable surprise of seeing the Israelis bomb a UN depot with food, medical supplies, and fuel... How do they survive at all? Isreael has always been paranoid... But this went beyond the pale of anything....
And they HATE the UN. Because they are such 'victims'. Well, you can overdo it, you know?
But they seemed to have learned well... They are turning Gaza into an open-air Auschwitz.
More and more reports are coming in about the use of white phosphrous bombs. Just burn them alive, hey, who needs ovens any more? It was illegal. International law. And the US has used them in Iraq.
George Dumbya Bush set the tone, you can go in and kill everyone if you have the fire power. And if they do not agree with you, wipe them out. Ignore international law, treaties and all agreements.
By breaking international agreements and treaties, he set the fucking world on fire. Amomg other things....
So should we be surprised? No-.... Just business as usual, and big business is going down the tubes, and no wants to say it is the big D-.-- 'Recession?' Give me a break.... IT IS a DERESSION, and everyone is in denial...
I do not know what this whole thing is about, but it fucking KILLS me to see tiny children wounded in the most horrible way, and dead.Anmd can only say,
Peter says that is what war is, and blames everything on Hamas.
The only analogy to the whole thing is if I were to go to my fifteen square meter room which I lived in, and with a UZI, and say, 'Hey get the fuck out of here, this was MY place twenty years ago, and I am claiming it back. And youse guys can go into the WC area., and camp out there....
And if you dare to come in here, I will kill you thirty times over, And your children, and THEIR children snd their children to the end of all our days---- Because this is MY appartment.
Somehow I wouldn't think I am processing info and thinking clearly----
What the fuck is crazier?
Am fucking disgusted.
And can only say, 'shame!' I am disgusted.
Written on Wednesday, January 14, 2009 by RenB
Ok Dumbya is on his farewell tour.....
Scrambling to 'correct' his image, as if that were posssible... With his Stepford Wife Laura.
And who subjected us to this one hour free-for-all? The incredible Larry King.
I did not want to watch. I did not. Peter made me tune it in, he wanted to see the atrocities up live and close. But I got something pout of it....
John Stewart's creepy laugh when he makes fun of him? I fell apart. Because it is always inappropriate. John Stewart is a genius.
And very percpetive....
And NOTHING Dumbya was tee-heeing about was funny in the least...
Laura is some kinda bitch. A lot of 'Oh, George didn't KNOW....' Uh huh. Because that mofo passed out on the couch after eight pm, and the DARKIES had to carry him upstairs??? Just conjecture....
And Larry? He should have given up years ago. We had a very interesting and colorful Chancellor here. Bruno Kreisky. And he didn't LIKE people who would suck up to him., and termed them Mastdarmakrobaten. Lower intestinal acrobats. It caused a huge uproar, but he knew what he knew, and was being a Grinch. And put them in their place. I admire what he did to this day, although am not so hot on some of his policies....
And that is what King has become, a Mastdarmakrobat.....
People keep talking and writing about the blogs, but the real power is those who drive the news, decide what is important, and that is the story line for the day.
So thank whomever for the internets.
Now today.... I saw a report that an extended family in Gaza got herded into a building, and then the Isaelis blew it up, and all inside, and no it was not from AlJazeera....
There are a lot of mind-games going on, out there...
Oh yes, it was fifty minutes into the 'show' and he had the BALLS to ask about Katrina. A soft-ball, because you don't want to anger the presidink.
I threw up.
Jan 20th can't come fast enough...
He thinks he did well, Laura, was ANGRY, you see, because her asshole husband got branded as a racist. Well good luck with that one honey... After buying a new home in Dallas that was always segregated, and only WHITE. Whaa?????? Georgie Porgie isnt gonna stand by his womin????
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
So... the Presedink got his last chance to give a pressie.
0 CommentsThank whomever higher power for that....
I want to see him and Cheney, and Zip-it Livy, and Barack up in the Hague for war crimes. I do... I wanna see war crimes prosecuted, and accountability...
I wanna see the US condemned for using white phosphorous bombs on civilians in Iraq in Fallujah, and the Israelis dropping white phosphourous bombs on Gaza. Those weapons are against every international agreement, and a crime.
In a perfect world, someone would have got ridden of them... But the world isn't perfect.....
But what the fuck.... Bush opened fire on s sovereign country. Against someone his father put into place. (Talke about fucked up families.) And broke all international laws.
Well, that fucker set a precedent. Lawlessness.
And a HUGE amount of racism.
Oh, yes, he was a piece of work, all right....
And now? Everyone in the fucking world is going to emulate what he did. 'You can break the rules, because the US says it is ok? They can talk about democracy, until they do not like who those people elect? Bomb them with white phosphorous very clear. AND THAT, my Preciouses, is what the Israelis are doing. White phosphorus. Forbidden. Invading and starving people? Forbidden.
I could go on and on, but it sickens me to my soul.
There is so much wrong with this picture, I can't deal with it any more.
'If wishes were horses, beggars would ride' Right-
WHY the FUCK do we have international agreemnents, when anyone or any body decides to break them and not get punished Why? I do not particualarly care who it is...
It is clear---- They so what they do.
And THAT is DUMBYA's legacy. Fuck 'em all and leash terra on da world.
Written on Monday, January 12, 2009 by RenB
Did I SAY it got COLD here???
God, I hate to be redundant.... My fingers are so numb still, that I can't do the keyboard so well any more at the moment....
Frost.... did I mention frost on the air?
I got some damage there, way back when...
When I got up, the apt. had 12 C... like upper 40's there. With a chill on the air, and I didn't have a chimbley to sit in front of like Scrooge.... ( I KNEW I liked that too much...)
So I had to turn on the space heater, whether I liked it or not...
There is such a frost on the air.... Peter insisted going out, and do his rounds. I didn't wanna. By the time we got back, he was a whimpering, 'it's so COLD!' person, and I was wheezing...
What FUN....
Yes. Preciousses... my heating is kaputt. And I lose one degree a day, because it is so fucking cold outside, and the system can't compensate for it. And oh, yes, they were gonna renew the heating system LAST SPRING. Now how is that for a kick in the pants.
I HATE cold winters, and having to put on layers of clothes, and having to stay warm, and the tip of your nose goes cold, and the tips of your fingers feel frozen for hours, because you got frostbite on them when you were young.
Peter gave me some gloves... Worse than cold. The frost goes into the individual fingers and the cold gets in even worse. I need mittens...
Hmm... Heat rises. The space heater has got the upside temp to 18 degrees, so why are my feet so cold, huh?
Ok, things pass...
And yes, am a fucking wuss... Except... this cold wave has lasted over three weeks now.
And I want to kill everyone responisble for that right now, we normally have mild winters...
Written on Thursday, January 08, 2009 by RenB
The Banality of CNN
For nearly two weeks now, have been glued to world-wide tee-vee news. Most of the focus has been on events in the Middle East, as it should be.
But CNN? When the headlines come up, the anchors whine a lot... Because the Israelis won't let their journalist into Gaza. And they end up using footage that is coming out of there by journalists from Al Jazeera, somewhat sanitized.
As to Al Jazerra, English channel. Ok, they have a slant. BUT. They interview people from all sides of the conflict/war, and let them give their standpoints without interrupting. It can be very educational, letting people have their say. The moderators and journalists are mostly Brits. And they can be very tough whenever they get vague answers to mostly very tough questions they pose... My absolute favorite reporter is this guy named Aymon who is always in a flak jacket and helmet, and gives live reports from the roof of a building on the edge of Gaza City. It helps that he is very attractive, of course, but he seems to have his finger on the pulse of what is going on, and what people think and are experiencing...
Leaving aside the lower intestinal acrobat Wolf Blitzer, who has made me barf for the past decade or so with his sliming toady act, and has nothing to do with real reporting, let us take a really good look at Larry King Live this week. What has he had for subjects and people over the last few days? What is holding the Murkin public in thrall? It can leave you spitless.
Since I began counting.... Ok, 'Are UFO's REAL?' With some nutty physicists. (I believe I saw one in the late Sixties, and it was intriguing, and I know what I saw... but I went on with my life... So what? Whatever it was never attacked us. We were probably too unevolved to be interesting to them...)
Then came a full hour on the Travolta family's tragedy. There is a branch of journalism that is called 'Leichenfledderei' here. Stripping corpses. But there they were out in full force, drilling the coronor, the mayors of that place in the Bahamas, and Ocala Florida, Anybody who could be tangentially 'in the know'. That is when Peter piped up with, 'Why doesn't he address what is HAPPENING in the world right now?' For the first time... But no, they wanted to find some iggy dark sneakret in the Travoltas' lives and make them somehow culpable. And oh YES, the Scientology aspect. Whoo, boy, knocked my socks off.... NOT... We both found that one absolutely disgusting.
Then a full hour about Oprah Winfrey's weight problems, with commentary from her spiritual advisor, her personal trainer, her personal psychologist all bloviating-----about nothing. Poor woman, so successful, and sooooo unhappy. Ok...
Today we got a so-called bishop of a megachurch in Dallas. T. D. something or other. And just when he was asked about the Warren thing, my cell phone rang and I missed his answer. Probably to the good, I'd have had a fucking stroke. Then a segment on the ongoing Kaylee thing in Florida... murdered three year old... The state prosecutor is shrill. Peter complained about the tone of her voice. I opined that if someone's voice goes into that range, they are lying. And THEN.... a new case, missing young white boy who disappeared from his adoptive family ten years ago, and was only reported to the police NOW.
I have going on for years about how that channel got gutted and concentrates on sensationalism, and after Turner sold it, it morphed into some sort of Big Brother, keep the folks calm mode. One of my pet peeves is that they began concentrating on stupid stories specialising in missing WHITE women, perverse murders of small children, and so on. But the beginning of the end in my eyes was the OJ Simpson trial. There was so much else going on in the world, but it was OJ all of the time. I have read reports that the CIA had experts down in the main studio in Atlanta. They probably gave everyone lessons in psych-ops, and how to keep people complacent, just a conjecture...
What they are now doing is evil.
Tomorrow, (today, your time) OLD Larry is gonna have a helluva time interviewing Priscilla Presley, because Elvis would have been 75 tomorrow our time, and is gonna show stuff his fans have never seen. Which gave me a little shock... So what is she gonna show us, huh? The jock strap he wore to swim in? The vibrator he gave her for their fifth anniversary, with the original batteries intact? I do NOT want to know....
And I apologise for the tasteless sarcasm, but it falls in the category 'Leichenfledderei'.
So, Preciousses.... Is that all you want to know as the world is near to blowing up once again?
I used to admire Larry King. He interviewed heads of state in a way that made you feel you knew what made them tick.... Now? Either he is retrained from his producers, or he doesn't get it, or he is so 'inside the beltway' he still wants to be a STAR nowadays. The latter is pathetic.
Written on Wednesday, January 07, 2009 by RenB
Jeebus... it is so COLD!° And this year is not, absolutely NOT beginning well...
All the horridays began by blocking the week and falling on a weekend. That was back BEFORE December 24th, and the horridays began, and nothing got done.
So , went to find out what was happening with the infant in the infirmary, my notebook. Ooooo He was being tested for internal injuries.... To see if he was all right in two more days... He will be, the Klinik guy said...
You get horridays in Austria, you can just pack it in and go tent somewhere.... With a propane gas tank, and hope you stay warm.
And it has nothing to do with the RUSSIANS, who turned off our gas today, nor the gad-damed UKIES who would steal the white out of your eyes-... That is another story... My appartment is currently 16 degrees Celsius. And I just learned that I am going to have to take this for another two weeks. The system broke down. BUT..... it already broke down last winter.
And they said that it would be fully replaced last Spring. Only they didn't. And now it broke down in the coldest weeks of the year, and we get two days in two weeks without anything at all, and was told I should buy and electric heater for the time being. With WHAT, my good looks?
My gas prices alredy went from 56 Euros per months in four years... to 91 Euros per month this year. And So, I started checking with my neighbours to see if they need anything. The people next door are ok, they are on another system-....
And over next door to them in the mansard, to see if they were all right. It weas toasty roasty warm, and I said, 'can I warm up for a few minutes?' I explained what was going on... It was minus FIVE outside, Celcius, and that is very cold for us....
W's girlfriend immediately organised a 'blower' for me. No, not what you think.... A heater, and you can only turn it on for five minutes, or it will eat your elecricity bill to hell and back, but it works....
he went over to get it.
A is hugarian, not rumanian. So I regaled her with the only things I know in that language, which is very very difficult. 'Yes.' And room numbers. Becuause I did not want to look like an idiot when groups came in and ask for their keys, you know? She cracked up for laughing...
She put on some hungarian modern music while W was getting the heater, and wanted me to dance with her.
I am so fucking rusty and old, I felt ridiculous. At first she was kinda pushy, and I said, 'Hey I don't like to have the airbags hit me when I am driving, you know? ' Yes, that was crass, but she dances, boy how she dances...
So I watched her feet, and the rust fell off, and the music got into my blood, and I danced. It was fun like I haven't had in a long time, and harmless...
And she said, 'You dance like a gypsy.' I 'think' it was a compliment....
When I left I could hear her laughing.
So either I made a fool of myself, or she had fun...
I did...
Who cares..
Written on Sunday, January 04, 2009 by RenB
Oh. My Gawwd.... He's back!
I'd like to KILL Lazarus at the moment, wheezy as ever, and slow as molasses on a cold winter's day. After giving him my version of the last rites, and all (i.e. a swift kick for abandoning me).
Man, does he groan and wheeze.
I just do not get it. At all.... But at least he is being ironic once again.... Aggravating? Believe it.
Written on by RenB
RIP Lazarus McWheezy....
He died forever at 14:12 this afternoon. Seemingly forever, doesn't boot any more. So until I can get the infant out of the infirmary, will not be able to post much.... and am relegated to Blanche Dubois, and depending on the kindness of strangers.... What is next, a stay in Puntigam East, aka the nerve clinic?
Actually, I wanted to do a post on the war coverage Al Jazeera is currently doing, but you do not want to know what I think. Suffice it to say I get agitated and start yelling 'Zip it, Livni! and get your arrogant face off of my tee-vee screen!'
But am in a public place and can't do what I wish to....
Will be back to regular scheduling when the infant is back. Happy fucking New Year...
Written on Saturday, January 03, 2009 by RenB
English as a second language...
I can laugh my ass off. Realy. I am, not being obnoxious... It tickles my funnybone.
Al Jazeera is a borne of things said that make me laugh. 'Gamgesters' 'Kenesset'
Ok, I know I am terrible. And have a sick sense of humour. But you kow what?
The winner has always been my boss. Perfect english with some flaws.....
Cheyenne Pepper. Not Cayenne... Well bring on the Indians, hey...
It got worse... Betty Fords.
And then the misporonounciation of Chivas Regal. It sounded like it was a bookcase.
And the Betty Fords? I never fucking corrected her. And if you didn't get it yet, it was petite fours.
She will go down in hysteria, believe me...
Written on by RenB
just when you think you are bloviating into the blogosphere..
The Reich Wing finds you.
Rethugs. Am getting spam. Daily. From innocuous names I never knew...
Bill Wilson. Something called 'The Daily Grind', another a Reich Wing whatever...
I just dump them into my spam list, and the Yahoo one isn't efficient. Those FUCKERS keep coming BACK.
It is obvious that they are the internet equivalenzt of suicide bombers.
No, haven't opened one. The last was tempting, with a header defaming the UAW, but I dumped it...
I assume that if you open one, Lazarus will be dead for good. Rats, and whores, my dears, that is what it is all about. Rats and whores..
Written on Friday, January 02, 2009 by RenB
Oh... now I am an Islamist....uh-huh...
Perter got a 'box' from the Telecom a few weeks ago, and you can watch the english version of Al Jazerra on it. Skeery..... Frightening.
It would be wise to send young children out of the room.
On the one hand, he yells about how N-TV doesn't cover what is happening in the Middle East. I fucking told him three times that CNN bought near to fifty percent of their stocks, and they have to report what they want us to hear. They used to be good....
The STATE tee-vee isn't any better, and everything here is slanted to the poor people in Israel who are getting bombs on the street. uh-huh... That is fine and good, but.... no one there is seeing what is happening in Gaza.
I am so SICK of seeing the 'collateral damage', babies, and young children half blown up. I am so TIRED of seeing grieving parents, and the coffins. Am so disgusted at the rage they always engender, on both sides....
And Peter? He turned into a fucking Republicunt. Cheering it on. And I am the fucking 'Islamist' because I have some sort of compassion.
And because I can still THINK, I'm an Islamist in his eyes.
We yell a lot.
'It is biased!'
'All news is biased, but if you know where it is coming from you can gain some truth from it.'
'It is one-sided!'
'Have you been listening? They put hard questions to BOTH sides, and they take the gloves off. '
'And you are an Islamist. You want everyone to wear horrible clothes and cover themselves up.'
Now you know... Some days I do not like to get out of bed....
BUT... as soon as I go over, he demands that I turn on the box so he can see Al Jazeera.