I'm gonna teach you a new word today....

because there isn't one in English.


Sort of --- robbing from the dead, but REALLY taking everything usable or of value.

It's a very negative word.

Yahoo German news reports a HUGE pre-sale and orders for the new I-Phone, even though it is only a bit faster, and has minimal things that are 'better'.

But hey, Steve Jobs died, and what better way to make a buck, hey?

Sour grapes? Probably.

I was always 'sour' because even in my best earning days... I couldn't afford a non-crashable Apple product, and had to make do with Microshit. It wasn't for 'poor' people, in other words.

It was for 'elites'.

It's not surprising they are gonna make one helluva profit on his death.

Which is Leichenfledderei.

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