WAR on Cristmas? Faux has it all wrong, you have to go to Berlin...

Every city has it's advent Christmas market, ok? People gather and get sloppily happy, and try to get in the mood with mulled wine, and cookies and lots of goodies... and buy junk for their trees, and gifts no one will ever really WANT, and so on...

Someone call Bill O'Reilly quick! Grist for his Faux News mill, hey...

It seems some nut job is running around the Berlin Christmas market, and offering mulled wine to people, and then they suffer circulatory collapse, and throw up and are poisoned.

Don't they know you don't take candy from strangers as a child, and drinks from odd strangers even if they are in their cups? And what the hell is the motive for doing something like that, huh?

Well those are happy 'horridays'...

The Germans are hopeless... always said so.

You can see the report here... if you speak German...

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