
Finally met someone on line last night at the new place... we'd sort of just hit it off in a group. She's from northern Greece, somewhere near Thessaloniki, which they call Saloniki for short, I know. I didn't want to broach the current crisis there, having just met her, but she did, so it was ok to ask and excahange impressions of what is going down there. (She corresponds in excellent english, lest you think I got possessed and suddenly wrote in greek..)

What really upsets her and those she knows is the slant the world media put on reporting the violence in Athens and Saloniki last week, putting the entire citih
zenry in a bad light, when in actuality it was the doing of a small group of anarchists, and she said it hurts what they are protestIing against and what they want.

And we got into background causes, and Wall Street setting it off, and basic human greed that can ruin an entire country. She said they have a saying: 'you can't make a fortune with a cross in your hand.' ('Think about it.) I said I liked mine better... 'the basis of every fortune is a crime.'

It was a nice discussion. One of those 2 a.m. chat fests. I had parked my knight somewhere safe and we just rattled on. Suffice it to say, I didn't make many points last night. (smile). But it breaks up monotony.

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