Well that was an interesting weekend....

After feeling like a fish out of water on the US/UK game site... I finally found a guild. A few ex-pats from the german one who like that much better. Met them in a group effort, and they asked me to join when they found I can more than carry a dialogue in german. The guild is small, and they are sort of cozy from northern germany. Age range mid thirties to my oldie category. They call their guild Dream Theater, and are sort of progressive... turns out it's the name of their favorite band, had never heard of it. Checked it on YouTube, and it sounded like a cross between Zappa, The Who, and AC/DC but still different. So they are my afternoon meeting and getting in touch with people people.

Late nights, when I can't sleep, which is usually, I was always ending up in a running group for anyone as long as there was space. And there I met Red from Greece, and a dutch person, and sometimes some other germans. And get called on to translate at times. Red is lots of fun.

Last nite, someone who goes by the name, 'da killer' was going on, and in those things it's always a running joke in either gaming place.. 'I'm making coffee, how do you like yours, will get you some.' So I said I didn't drink coffee any more, I'd never sleep at all. And she began listing what to put in it, vodka and rum, and gawd-awful things. And Red pipes up with, 'Are you making coffee or a BOMB?' Cracked me up, but I guess you had to be there. A while later I 'said' 'Errmm I gave half of mine to my horse. Shouldn't have done that. He keeps getting stuck in the trees.' which set them off, because there is one area where the horses really do get 'stuck' in the trees. Sometimes.

So last night from midnight to three, we went to a huge jail and had a melee killing all sorts of monsters and getting loads of points. And joking. It made it fun.

There was some private time with Red, who is really worried about what is going to be decided on helping Greece today, so it wasn't all chuckles either. I like the mix.

Doesn't mean I don't miss the people at the other place whom I 'spoke' with daily, but am finally off to a good start at the new place. And my knight is already level forty... mine at the other place took 5 months to get to 35. (there are over 195 levels, so go figure.)

And I checked out UP on msnbc, which is always interesting and provides food for thought. And otherwise heard the local pop radio mixed with the classical for news, and on the latter issue... every damned year people die in avalanches on skiing trips. Anyone wanna tell me that people are capable of learning? Every year it snows massively in the west, and people go on vacations, and the kids have a two week school break, and every year there's a period of severe cold... well, nearly every year... and then there is a slight thaw, and level 5 avalanche warnings go out. And every year, people go off the prepared slopes out into 'nature', and get killed when Mother Nature decides to let off a huge snow fart. Sometimes I think people are to stupid to learn anything whatsoever. And as we saw, there were several incidents and tragedies a day this weekend.

And it isn't just that, ignoring warnings, hey. About ten days ago, at the height of the cold front, two jackasses decided to go cross-country, ill equipped, in a place they weren't familiar with... at minus 25 degrees celcius, and they got lost. So they called for help, and help was sent.... over twenty experts looking for them. The idiots had gotten third degree frost-bite burns one in the face, even, and of the rescue team, ten had to have medical attention in the hospital. So these two dunderheads are going to get sued for needlessly endangering the rescue team, and will probably have to pay a lot of Euros in fines. I certainly hope so. Putting other people's lives at risk due to their own stupidity like that. It just never seems to improve. Then again, neither does mankind in general, so why should I even be surprised.

Anyway, there was enough distraction. UP had a good segment on men deciding on women's health issues, and I had a weird thought. ''That would be like frogs forming a panel to decide what sort of fodder horses need.' Must've been the game. I have one horse I hate to death... it won't learn anything, just like most people.

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