Hokay... there's a winner... Eurrovision for Austria

Conchita Wurst came in second. So who is representing our fair land in Aserbajan? Track Shittaz... and yes, you read it correctly. Who will be sure that Austria lands down in one of the last places. And have to sit next year out. Of the ten contestants, there were some interesting, 'listenable' tracks that sort of grew on me, and diverse in musical style. But this?

Oh yeah, track shitters, all right. Why not skid marks? The text? Banal to irrelevant. They want everyone to shake their tushes around, because that's what they like (ooop ooop!) Idiotic, a novelty number, and, excuse the pun... assinine. We've had some winners and losers, but this time? Losers. Take a listen.

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