Dejà vu

Tja, already the 26th, and everyone in full pigged-out mode.... Uh HUH. I didn't even get Christmas cookies, because my dearest colleague was off duty, and otherwise brings me some. Vanilli Kipferln, disastrously delicious with almonds in the dough. Didn't get a single one, nope.

Made up my venison shoulder. I don't know what his neighbours are doing to him over there. But it isn't good. He ate everything. My portion too, but I let him.

So now I am making a pizza for me. Go figure. And just burned it. Fuck.

HE was happy, at least....

(The venison was really good, had to do taste checks, and then lost my appetite.)

But this is about dejà former boss's youngest son checked into the hotel.

He is the youngest offspring of the woman who owns the hotel. When I first began working, he was seven. And my boss would park him with me in the reception area, and he would just Look at me....

... and is soon going to be thirty eight.

Well, turns out he is a nice person. Turns out there is 'no room at the inn' for him and his girlfriend at home, the latter fact was surprising. So they get to stay at the hotel. And he joked, 'you got to wean yourself away from the family sometime....' He sure did that a long time ago...) And he knew it from memory that when I gave him the key, it was the best room in the house

He is going bald, which he jokes about disparagingly. He has the family eyes from his father, like the rest of his sibs, but the only brown ones I have ever seen where 'like' shines out. He was genuinely disappointed when he learned I would only be there on the last day of his visit.

Only, something happened, and I have to do a shift that wasn't planned, and so I get to see him twice again. Of all my boss' children, M is the only one who has come by now and again, and told me what he achieved, and so I get to know who that kid was, who grew up. The little child who used to take his blankey and go to sleep next to the safe in the office.

Became a nice personable grown-up.

Well hey, what more could you wish for?

And THAT is something very nice indeed.

And this is the first year I ran out of food. Since I burned the pizza into charcoal...

C'est la vie....

Will go to bed hungry. Won't be the first time...

2 Responses to "Dejà vu"

Unknown says
26 December 2007 at 20:53

Das Bild der "brennenden Mur" als header des blogs sieht gewaltig aus! Ich hoffe, Sie hatten ähnliche heiße Weihnachten ;-)

RenB says
27 December 2007 at 03:36

Freut mich, dass es Ihnen gefällt. Bin noch nicht fertig. Blogger ist so bockig. Ich wollte Sie eigentlich diesbezüglich ausfragen, aber soeben fiel mir ein, wie ich das 'Problem' lösen könnte...

Und übrigens.... ich habe noch NIE eine heiße Weihnachten erlebt. Leider.....