There are days....

When everything good you try to do goes wrong.

This was one of them.

For weeks now, Peter has been against having his aunt visit. So HOW was I supposed to tell a ninety year old lady that her favorite nephew doesn't want to see her? I even invited her and her daughters to go out to eat this week. He doesn't want to go.

He cried all morning. Swell.

I was supposed to go over to their hotel this evening, and he got me so worked up, I threw up all afternoon. I was so sick that I had to call it off.

But if Peter is stubborn, his aunt is a virtual steam-roller. I said I have to take him downtown tomorrow, and got the order to do a command performance at the Café Sacher at ten-thirty.


So I had to go over and tell Peter because his phone is capped. And then I laid down the BIG DADDY number. So the plan for tomorrow is MADE, and if he gives me one ounce of trouble, I am going to go nuclear.

I really and truly hope that if I get a stroke, it will be a big one and I drop dead, because I NEVER want to get to where he is right now....

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