
My father, aka 'the Venerable' sent me an e-mail the other day which was unusual, in that it was longer than a few sentences...

He told me a really vile tale about someone he knows of in his vicinity. A woman who had a child she didn't want. So she spent his first and formative years telling him she hated him, and she was only keeping him on for the added money on her welfare check. (yeah, a real hum-dinger of a 'woman')

She indulged her revulsion of this child she seemingly never wanted by beating on him. Police were called in, but she was clever, nothing could be proven, and social services' collective hands were tied, seemingly. (Have I got this all correct so far, Dad?)

Well the kid acted out, what could you expect, hey? Got forbidden to ride the bus to school, and then the school expelled him... which doesn't say much for the teachers in it... But they are probably too overworked to think... 'what's going on with this child?' And his mummy dearest beat him and left marks, and FINALLY, the child was taken into the social system which is gonna be even worse for him, from what I've read and seen per tee-vee.

It's a horrible and disgusting story, and unfortunately, I know it happens a lot in 'Murka, the bad version of it.

So what does this have to do with the clip below?

The Rethugs have a proposed law on the ballot in Mississippi to proclaim that the minute an egg is fertilised it is a person. It goes way beyond what has heretofore been proposed.... because it isn't just about abortion.

I can never figure out why that 'less government' crowd has the nasty habit of wanting to get into people's bedrooms in general, and regulate women's reproductive systems in particular. They can really creep me out with this shit.

So leaving all the moral and usual arguments aside, what does the one story have to do with what they are trying to do to women in Mississippi, and soon to try in other states?

The Rethugs just LURRV the idea of babies. They love them so much they would like to strike the child labour laws. To work cheap in coporation factories, or something. (Check out what they did in the Mariana Islands on Google... it is mind-blowing. Slave labour and forcing them to prostitute themselves, way to go, the Rethugs are very sick people in their heads...)

Now leaving all the other and usual questions aside... what do you think will happen to the child whose mother was raped and was impregnated and has to look at that child if she is forced to carry it to term? What do you think will happen to the children who were not wished for but forced by law to carry to term?

I see resentment at best, and abuse in every sort of variation at worst. And there would be a lot of 'mothers' like the one who obviously has upset 'the Ven'.

But hey, it's their vision, forcing themselves into the most private part of peoples lives, and all, but they are so against the government regulating anything. Hypocrisy reigns among those people.

Why aren't they creating jobs? Oh yeah, that's what they ran on, but the only thing they've done so far is trying to curb people's reproductive rights. They creep me out with their horrid fascinations.

As to jobs? Oh yeah, they said they were gonna strangle the economy so that Obama would be a one-term president. And they have. Fact is, they will do as much damage as possible, and if people get hurt? Well they don't care.

So when I saw this clip... it raised those issues in my mind. What is left of it...

Listen carefully.

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