I am really gonna miss N.

This really doesn't need much commentary. Especially since I will be going to the anatomy dept. of the university, and donating myself to be dissected. Only a tiny bit remains, have been told. This picture says it all, and made me smile if grimly. (Just because I am terminally depressed doesn't mean I lost my sense of humour...)


Anntichrist S. Coulter says
3 July 2010 at 13:03

When you die of OLD AGE, mebbe you should leave certain parts to... oh, I dunno... mebbe BEFORE you die of old age, see if you can find Cynthia Plaster Caster, and see if she'll do a life study 3-D casting of your, welllll... you know. Hey, she did Hendrix, she can do you!

And then have a loverly urn made out of the bronze, for whatever the ham-handed medical students have left-over... heh heh heh... Could you donate it to a national museum of modern art, maybe?