
I got news from 'Da Ven' that he's 'grounded' from going out to get his mail at his age in temperatures over 100 degrees F at his part of the world, and for the past five days, it has been so cold where I am, you can't go out for a moment without a sweater and still shiver, and today am needing one indoors. Grey, rain, wind, and just plain uncomfortable.

Was asked if I'd run out of things to say, as I've been quiet. As IF... The fact is, I decided on a short moratorium as far as the news goes for a week or so now. Am just too disgusted with all the grand posturing and shennanegans going on in DC, while most people are really hurting. I think there are going to be lots of surprises in store for both sides whenever the next elections are going to be held, if things don't explode beforehand. And the pols are too insular and short-sighted to see beyond their collective noses.

So there was that....

The other reason is a very personal dilemma, one that has me confounded as to whether what I (haven't) been doing lately is a good choice morally. Which has me tied up in knots inside. And yes, it wouldn't be me if it wasn't about Peter. Just shutting down inside and 'walking away' after thirty-five years? Makes me feel like I have PTSD. And I can't find any answers of late. And just feel empty inside.

This is going to sound 'ick', but spent most of last week re-tracing a story line on one of the UK soaps, because it was relevant. A year's worth. It takes place in a village in Yorkshire. And has subtitles, yeah, the dialect is that thick. However, you can't get subtitles on the internet versions so it takes concentration to get into it. It's very 'realistic'.

Whatever... following it has only raised more questions than provide answers. The crux of the story-line is about two guys, one out, the other in the closet and agressive. But they do come together, have a fight, and the out kid crashes his car onto some train tracks, just as a train is coming and ends up being a quadraplegic. And the closeted one wants to care for him, but often can't take it, and 'does a runner', but comes back, over and over. Which was the relevant part. Jackson, the out guy begs his lover to help him end his life, and his mother is in on it, they are at the end of their rope emotionally, and finally give in. Now Aaron is up on murder charges.

Those are the bare bones of the plot. Compressing over a year's worth of it, it is far more complex. But it has been very realistic, and affecting. There are about ten other story-lines which intertwine with about fifty main characters in the story, most of them engrossing.

But the Aaron leaving and coming back, and trying to come to terms with it all... well, I could empathise, and was very affected. Have nearly caught up to when I began watching it this year.

But as above, no real answers, it depressed the hell out of me. When that story-line is on, the station often gives out help-line numbers, for people in similar dilemmas.

Learned some colorful expressions while watching all this. If someone is banged up, they've gone to prison. If you grass someone up, you've ratted them out, or if you are the recipient, you've been grassed. If you're 'skyving', you are goofing off at work, or skipping school. There are a lot more, but they aren't coming to mind at the moment.

The most dead pan joke so far? 'Did you hear about the blonde turkey... who was SO looking forward to Christmas?' It took me a full five seconds to realise that it WAS the punch line, it was so dry.

Today's best line of the day? On OLTL. They have an imposter Todd (villain) and a 'real' Todd (a mess). The real one is trying to stay alive, some sort of government agents want to kill him. Mostly silent detective John McBain wants to hide the real Todd in his rooms at a hotel while he can figure out what the hell is going on after he's saved him from yet another ambush. The exchange is a classic, but it was in the delivery... Killed me.

Real Todd: 'I know you just saved my life, and I'm very grateful, and you're very attractive, and maybe I'm just vulnerable, um... near death experience, but you should know that I normally don't go to a gentleman's appartment until after the third date or so... unless he spends a lot on dinner...?' McBain: 'To be fair, you're not my type. Why don't you just tell me everything from the beginning?'

Pure snark.

Oh well. At least it was distracting, but nothing is resolved yet. And oh yeah, my one-stop site for watching all sorts of things? Shut down. Violations of the site agreements. So half of what I liked is back to off-limits. That's the way it goes.

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