Today began with me getting riled... when I saw yesterday's news.

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Y'know... I think it's been about fifty years since 'da pill' became available, and I was young, and I remember people discussing it in whispers. As if it were shameful, and a moral dilemma. I thought that had been long resolved. And half a century later, WHAAAAA? Have the Rethugs become so desperate, all they have is going after women? And that aspirin crack... left me ab-so-lute-ly spitless, but hey, that's the fossil billionaire singlehandedly backing Rick Sanatorium... or whatever the hell his name is.

This is another case of Rethugs yelling about government interference in people's lives, but what they do when they get any power is REALLY interfere in people's personal lives and want to dictate morally what they cannot do, while gleefully doing it themselves. And have the government invade your most private parts literally by mandate. The hypocrisy is astounding.

And then the odious Daryll Issa held a congressional hearing about women's health issues... all because they don't like the compromise Obama reached, and whaddaya know... there were only men invited to speak.... as if they know anything about it. That's when I started yelling at the pc screen, Preciousses. All this was between four and seven in the morning, and my cigarettes were out, so I went over to get some, steamed.

And told my tobacconist what had gotten me riled. We had quite a discussion. Me: 'No MAN should ever have the responsibility of decision making regarding women's health.' And one of her better ones... 'They should turn the tables, and have men undergo humiliating exams...' I said, 'well they tried it in Texas... mandatory prostate exams... but it didn't pass, because most of the legislature were men.' She beamed about that news, believe me. It was the first time she ever wished me a nice weekend when I left. Which was the nice part of the day.

Maybe I made her day. The news didn't make mine by a long shot.

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