On DVD. Death at a Funeral. Outrageous.

Was feeling really like puke on the sidewalk this morning, so I said to myself, 'nope, you aren't gonna GO there, no way, no how!'

So what to do? My pulse was really erratic, and some asshole once put out the meme that laughing is good, so I considered looking at 'State and Main' yet again. (I have my good colleague D. to thank for that. He saw it after a late night shift, and recommended it, knowing that Vermont is a neighbor state to NH.)

But nah, wanted something new. And so I went to the dvd store, and was undecided. Humour is so individual, and can get you into buckets of trouble, believe me.

Whatever, I ended up getting 'Death at a Funeral'. Except the German title is 'Dying for Beginners'. Yeah, am having this morbid streak. I only learned what the real title is in the extras.

It is a britsh production, so be forewarned. I haven't seen a film that made me laugh out loud in a long time. And then make you cry at the end. Not since 'Four Weddings and a Funeral'. It takes place in near real-time, at a funeral about to be held in a mansion. And first they deliver the wrong corpse. Then the near and dear arriving. And then! It was so over the top hilarious, I actually laughed out loud, hard. And I really do not have anything to laugh about right now...

I do not wish to give away much of the plot. It is stuff you have seen before, sib rivalry, the crazy relatives, the anal retentive and the the opposite family members... But everything in the script got a twist, and it is fresh and surprising, and very very funny.

And just between us and the four walls...

That 'little person' blackmailing the main character pictured up above? I would do him. Yup. What a wonderful face and such personality shining out of those eyes. Now I am going to have to get 'The Station Agent', which I have heard much about. He is the most remarkable actor I have seen in a long time.

There wasn't any 'moment' in it, it was organic, and built up to hilarity. A perfect ensemble effort which ends up making a wonderful if rather odd film.

Just rent it, buy it, but watch. And beware. I have a very odd sense of humour.... just sayin'

Hilarious. It's a keeper.

2 Responses to "On DVD. Death at a Funeral. Outrageous."


i loved that movie. i actually went to the theatre to see it. (OK, so i walked a block to the little indy cinema.) i loved it. hilarious. and the actor, Peter Dicklage i think is his name. he was also in Nip/Tuck, last season i think. before the show moved to L.A. and i stopped watching. i liked him in that as well.

as for me, i totally heart Matthew McFadyen. *sigh* he doesn't know i exist, either.

RenB says
4 February 2008 at 10:02

LPF, so glad you saw and enjoyed that. Because while I was watching, I was wondering if you had seen it, and kept thinking, 'LPF would LOVE this film...'

Peter Dinklage was in Nip/Tuck? I saw the first season, and it freaked me.

My 'crush' was more tongue-in-cheek. I never thought I would find a little person so attractive, it was sort of bizarre. But he seems to be an amazing actor.

And hmmm. Matthew McFadyen. Oh dear. I know it was just a role, but he distressed me... because I could only too well identify. Anal-retentive-agressive. Bland. And then that twist at the end, where he grows a pair. (Or finally lets them out...) That made me cry, but I wasn't really on top of my game....

And that obnoxious gay guy with the funny patch on the wrist thing? I know a British actor (for decades now) from Jamaica, but British, and THAT was his voice. It freaked me OUT, I tell you... And he is much nicer looking, and hardly so short, and kept wondering why HE didn't get the part. (That is sort of being loyal to a friend thing.... David is a wonderful person, but he could have done that standing on his head. And he can SO do that voice.)

He got to work on 'Wimbledon' Three long shots after the editing, but he had one hell of a time. Told me that Kerstin Dunst is a very nice person.

Just something to file in your 'things I never wanted to know' cabinet....

So glad you liked that. Sometimes I really doubt my taste when it comes to humour.