Oh well, a new day.... always the same, hey...

Did my rounds after getting up... Election results, and more of the same-old same-old...

Americablog maintains that Wesley Clark called the sHill and asked her to drop out of the race before she destroys the party completely. Not verified. The Kos people are trying to win over the Hillary supporters by 'making nice'. Good luck with that one, it was too venomous over there lately.

And then I went over to make Peter lunch. And he was FULL of the latest news he got from local tee-vee. Yup. Hillary is gonna win, and why do I like Obama so much, (I don't, am being pragmatic,) and pushed my buttons to the MAX. He loves getting me to the boiling point. One of these days, he is going to push it too far, I swear....

So.... in two weeks, I get a German invasion. Peter's Aunt Charlotte is flying in from Frankfurt----with or without her daughters. She is as stubborn as he is. She is ninety years old and resolute. I love her muchly. But a visit alone? God help us.

We got a call-back from social services after eight months. They found a tiny apt for Peter that he can handle, 42 spuare meters, and is handicapped equipped. It is available beginning in July, and the current people or person is on vacation, so we get to see it when? When Charlotte is in town. I'm going to have nightmares tonight. Guaranteed.

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