There are other things going on in the world....

But no, the internets are panting about the so-called 'revelations' of 'little' pudgy Scotty McLellan.

Whoo, boy howdy.

What he had to say is what intelligent people have known for years.

He was WORSE than that airhead, Dana Perrino.

I'll give him credit for trying to bust the Dumbya bubble, but to be treated as if he had a set of balls after deluding the nation for over five years isn't a track record.

It's a diversion.

And little Scotty is your typical case of closet queen who got kicked out of the club, and is just playing the victim card. (It is just my gaydar... don't mind me.)

'I didn't know'. quasi, 'the scales fell from my eyes by the TONS.'

Uh-uh. He was close to Dumbya when he was governor of Texas. He knew how vindictive and sadistic he was....

And the press is just spinning a new meme that in the end effect, doesn't mean a thing.

Little Scotty is a slime-ball, and will remain so.

And meanwhile, there is a hell of a lot going on in the world that needs attention.

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