As to Moslims II

I seem to have gotten a lot of hits on that post so relatively long ago. Which confuses me.

Certainly, I can go off for incendiary on some topics.... but that? No....

I was trying... in my stupid way... to defuse things. And probably made a stupid analogy to make my point.

I am agnostic. I don't believe in any religion.

But I do believe in my fellow man, (or woman), and try to bring respect to everyone I meet, hoping to receive respect in return.

And respect means trust. So I used an extreme example. Trust.

I walk out of my house onto the square, and there are all sorts of people out there. Whom I find interesting, just visually... and who might be nice. And who might be kind. It doesn't matter how they dress. People are potentials.

Good, I'm gay. Someone else is a Buddhist. Someone else wraps themselves up. However... you see the eyes. And you know, this is a kind person, this is a troubled person, it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure it out.

The PROBLEM is.... most people don't take time to look.

Eyes... the first thing I notice.

I do not think that most people are so defined by their religion. That is crazy.

Some adhere to their traditions, and it is their right to do so.

Stupid people feel threatened by what they do not recognise or know, and react badly.

I can't find the key to going off the charts for being unaccepting for anyone. Surely, they live their lives differently from what others deem 'appropriate', but that is really off the charts for unacceptable.

We have to learn to accept that, and treat our fellow humans as neighbors. Because I know from experience, they will enrich your lives if you only smile and keep an open mind.

I had one boss who was Moslem. He was from Iran. We got along famously, and he was a very lovely person. I thought it was so very ironic. But we did understand one another. When I left, he said, 'What I admire about you most is your loyalty.' And I sort of looked at him and thought, 'Whaaa?'

'Your loyalty. I admire that very much.' He meant Peter and all the catastrophes we had gone through.

I would have thought it was a 'Christian' thing to say to me...

But it was human.

So can we get to a place where humanity and caring for one another is what really counts?

It would be so nice.

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