
are manufactured in Austria. Did you know that? Immensely successful company. THE preferred gun of choice for law enforcement agencies world-wide and especially in the US. I had the not-so-fun experience of having two pointed at me in the doorway of my appartment in June. They didn't actually look REAL, y'know?

And seemingly, criminals love them as well.

But they developed some really creepy things as well. Like extended magazines so you can shoot thirty rounds without reloading. Ok, with harsh restrictions only using them for SWAT teams for hostage situations, good, I can understand it somehow. But to sell them indiscrimanately doesn't make any sense to me. You don't go hunting with a semi automatic pistol. Unless you are hunting PEOPLE. Even I, dumb as I am, know that. Those things are for creating maximum damage. I don't think the manufacturers thought about how the misuse of them could turn into that. I hope not, at least.

But Maddow blew me away this morning. They manufactured fully plastic ones in the Eighties! No metal detector would find them. Listen:

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