Aires Birfday, yay... or something...

It being Peter's birthday, of course I had to go and visit him. The trip down was uneventful, ear-drum punctruring grade school kids at the stop in Ehrenhausen, and a chattering group of senior citizens on the train back. Peter was overjoyed to see me, and I spent an hour correcting his Rasputin look, because they were gonna par-tay. As last year. Got him out into the sun and the air, because I don't think he ventures out alone down there... he saves that for Graz and trying to run away.

At two-something, they brought in what I call the 'rocket cake'... That really sparkles, and is about the only rockets that go off around here, thank goodness...

They sang Happy Birthday--in English, which is weird... and Hoch soll er leben, which is not, and the rocket reached it's apogee.

Staff lined up to present best wishes for good health, and so on as is the custom...

And Peter looked happy with his cake. He got a chocolate bar and a bottle of white wine.

The cake was delicious. Bottom filling rasperry which tasted like freshly harvested, and a very light, hardly sweetened whipped cream with moist chocolate layers. And yes I tasted before shooting it. Sue me.

All in all, nice and he's looking good for his 72 years.

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