Sometimes when you are really bored, as on Sundays...

You might look at things you normally wouldn't even want to touch on the 'interments'. This being such a Sunday, I tapped into one of the last Christmas movies of 2010. 'Yogi Bear'. I was perplexed as to why the poster would choose that, but soon learned why.

It wasn't so much amazing for the effects as for the message. Now I grew up with the cartoon characters, but this was something different. A corrupt mayor wants to become governor, and since he can't balance the budget, (italics mine), he decides to sell Jellystone Park to land developers. Most of the film is aimed at kids, but, now, a few months later, and the havoc Walker is wreaking in Wisconsin... even a grown-up would understand the underlying message.

As a rule, I would have closed the window on a children's film. Except this one was fascinating in its' underlying message. Dan Ackroyd and Justin Timberlake as the voices for Yogi and Boo-Boo were fine. It was sort of a mish-mash of what is real and what is CGI. It had a happy ending.

I hope Wisconsin will as well.

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