Well, there was a decision yesterday...

And a bunch of folks get really upset about it. But the FACT was, neither side had a case. Sorry, I listened to all the bullshit, and they had no case. Neither for nor against...

The Jury waa intelligent, and I am thinking they didn't have an easy decision. But they knew bullshit when they heard it.

In the end, I believe they went home with very upset stomachs, because from what I saw of that person I did not like. But they made the argument, and the evidence was miserable.

Well, there've been fourth of July repercussions... Internet hiccups...

I don't really get into all that. Other than memories of getting the hot dog and watching others have the sirloins... because we weren't so capable of GETTING that cut... and it cut. I upped it once much later... with a nice piece of lamb.... which was about as 'foreign' as you can get, hey.

Except for my maternal grandmother. Lamb was 'good'.

Jeebus, no WONDER I NEVER FIT IN..... If I'd scorned beef for lamb on the Fourth of July in Texas, I mibght have gotten shot. Or something....

The Fourth was also Aunt Charlotte's ninety-first birfday. She was surprised I remembered. (Uh-huh, you have your 'birfday' on the 'Fourth Of July', and not KNOw THAT AS FORMER Citizen I might forget that? Oh boy.... Not so fun.)

She wants to know how Peter is doing. Now how in the blue blazes am I going to know that. I've spoken to him ONCE since March. I haven't spoken to anyone excpt the cashiers at the supermarket, and then it is 'Good Morning' and 'Thank you.'

I'm 'afraid' of what I might hear next time I call.... and why doesn't SHE call him for cripes sake. She has the numbah....

I don't know, the Fourth of July took on some new meeanings some years ago. I wouldn't have thought they would go this far.

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