I guess I'm on a roll....

Friday I saw my neighbor and her daughter for the first time since the Fall. They live just across the way from me, there are only two appartments in my building.... And she was all hopped up about Easter, and so on. Her grandma had come to pick her up, and I went to go out, and she said, 'That is my neighbor!' Like she was showing me off, or something...

This evening I overslept, and met them going out. So I asked her how Easter had been, and it had been nice for her, with the eggs, and the chocolate, and so on. And then came the capper: 'and I got a new girlfriend, thank God...' This made me rub my hands in glee in the imaginary sense. And I said, 'oh my, what happened to the old one?'

I was thinking Patty McCormack, and 'The Bad Seed', y'know? But her Mom said, 'She means in addition to her other friends.'


Spoil sport....

Didn't really matter, made me chuckle a bit.

So I grabbed a bus to the train station, because that is the only place you can get groceries after seven in the evening. And it is always overrun, and crowded, and you never want to go there if you do not have to.

And coming back, there were some turkish ladies with babies, and they had one in particular who was a bloody nuisance. He was out to get his way, or no way for anyone, and could scream at ear-piercing levels. It was just 'I WANT', and they just tolerated everything, as in 'let him do his thing'. Well, I wasn't comfortable with that at all. It gave me a headache, and I hate that.

Turns out, we got off at the same stop. So I went over and said, 'Good LUNGS, kid. Just keep it up and you will go to jail someday.'

Gawwd, am I turning into an Oldie.

I don't even think it is 'fun'....

The only mitigating circumstance I can provide is that I had just woken up a half hour before, and everyone knows.... you do not.... Not.... speak to me for at least an hour, because I'm gonna be cranky and a total grouch.

But I really do not like seeing people treat kids as if they are royalty if they are boys, and the girls get the full restraint thing forced on them. And then they wonder why the guys grow up to be tyrants. Not pretty.....

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