What not to do in a foreign country....

Thirty five years, hey. Some things get so crass, you become legendary in a way you never wanted to be.

It was my first day in Austria when I came here for good. And Charly and his clique took me to a Gasthaus for a 'snack', which was called 'jausnen'. Bite to eat. But they eat big down here.... and we had the menus, and everyone told me to order a Brettljause.

I was suspicious, and thought they were pulling my leg, or something. I couldn't figure out what it was supposed to be, and thought they were going to laugh at me if it turned out to be something gross. My bad.

So I thought, 'Ok.... have the solution...' And the waiter came over, and I piped up with, 'A Brettljause with pommes frites' (french fries..,.,) A Brettljause is served on a round board, the Brett, and has an immense amount of meat, cheese, veggies, garnishes, it can be awesome.

Everybody at the table absolutely fell apart laughing. It's like ordering a Wiener Schnitzel with sauce.
Which some assholes do in Germany, but they have no taste, to speak of....

So it was embarassing, and I got over it.... But two and a half weeks ago, I learned it is legend in that small town... And they still laugh about it.

I am gonna have to take it into my grave. But there will always be the legend of the stupid Ami who ordered a Brettljause with pommes frites. Am glad there wasn't anything worse, at this point....

Gawwd, how I hated being naive.

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