
was once defined as murdering your parents, and then throwing yourself on the mercy of the court because you are an orphan.

It is three thirty in the am, and I have a brain fart, can't remember who said that originally.....

But it came to mind yesterday morning watching Hillary's speech in Puerto Rico. (And why should their votes count if they aren't an official state, but a 'protectorate'. Or Tahiti, for that matter? That is confusing.... Just sayin'.... Can we say 'desperation' here?)

But as it turns out.... Little Scotty Mclellan has become a three-day wonder on the news circuits. He was the most ineffectual person I have ever seen, bar Dana Perino, the ditz.... I often wonder how far lower they can put the bars, and insult people's intelligence.

But if you boil the essential message that that pudgy little guy has to say, all that gets left is, 'I lied to you, and you SWALLOWED it' (as the guy who told you you were hot and let you fellate him said), pushing the blame on the journalists. But it isn't that simple. The so-called 'journalists' are just Yuppie tools. And they fellate to get the 'gravy'.

From what I have seen so far, some are rushing to protect their not-so-pristine reputations. Bill O's head is exploding, and the sooner the better.... It is fun to watch. Now where did I hide the potato chips?????

But no. Better leave them. If there was ever a non-story, this one would get some prize of the year, and it isn't even half over yet.


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