Hokay.... am 75 no Wonder I feel like I do....

And that is what I get for being curious.

Anyone out there love those scam mails, where you fill out a questionaire, and get some idiot answer and results? Well there was this spam mail, 'find out your RealAge.' And I thought, ok, look at it, and have some fun....

Let's face it, you just KNOW you are gonna get a lot of spam for health products afterward, and I will be busy putting it into the spam guard, but why not, for a change? As above, was curious. So I answered it all honestly, and everything. They keep giving you tallies after you finish a section. So I went from 58.2 'calendar years to 63 after the first, and then down to 61 after the second, but then came the 'lifestyle' section. Uuuuuuuhhh... All that smoking and stress and no exercise? (When did I EVER have time to do THAT, working twelve hour shifts for over nearly forty years, huh? I was always too TIRED to go to a gym. )

So my body is 75.

BETRAYAL, body....

No. I did NOT run to the mirror in the bathroom to look. I hate mirrors and generally avoid all reflecting surfaces.... and try to stay away from open windows on upper floors of any given building. (Thank you John Irving...you have often saved my life.)

So after all THAT shit, I officially proclaim this to be ageism week.

Like I needed that....

Just sayin...

Thank whomever if your thoughts are still young, and you are open to the world. (see 'Dinner in Raymond, NH' in the Munich section. I always wanted to be like Prof. Cappon. Not there yet, but getting close.... I hope. I always take courage from my heroes and the survivors.)

So.... enough navel gazing. Time to turn in. At least I can sleep well. Some people I know do not.

And yes, sometimes I distract myself with the trivial so that I do not have to look at the train-wreck of my life. I was SO not kidding when I said I ENVY Heath Ledger. And let's leave it at that. You do your time and the world is a cruel place, and the cards get stacked against you from the get-go. So you have to be smart. Or try to be. And then you stumble, and fall. So what? You get back up, dust yourself off, and you go on. Till you just can not do it any more. and you DROWN.

And that is all there is.

So according to this thing, my body is 75.

Shall we break out a magnum of champagne to celebrate? Round number, sounds like a cause for celebration. Uh-HUH....

Oh PLEASE, a Dom Perignon.

At least I tasted it--once. Right.

So not worth celebrating.

How superficial can you GET?

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