La Strada--The Finale

The last evening of La Strada was sort of weird. There were six things that looked like parabol antennas, and they were gyrating away. Odd static and music was to be heard. Then they tilted toward the audience, and projections came up on the dishes. Satellite images of cities on earth, and so on, and of outer space.

Then a soprano was wheeled forward to the lowest antenna in the center of the group.

What she was singing wasn't words, just tones.

Then she climbed into a globe sort of contraption, and began whirling away as if she were falling through space.

Projecions of her kept popping up on the dishes, saying things like,
'Why can't I remember what day this is? What day is it?' And 'They lied to us. Why did they lie to us?' And in the end,

The orb spun faster, she screamed loudly and long, and I guess she just crashed to earth. It was the oddest performance of the festival.

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