You don't get sumthin' for nuthin'

as my late mother used to say.

So what do the Klintons get for backing Barack at the convention? Hmmmmm? Secretary of State? What. Besides saving their reps as the most right-wing side of the Dem party ever....

Tja, caught up with yesterday's speeches on my super-channel. Question? Why the fuck is this a Klinton convention so far? Oh, I know, they are gonna re-unite the party after nearly destroying it, and all.... And save their reputations. But WHY would they do that? They are very vindictive, so the story goes...

Nope. There must be something else.

I really dislike that pair, I really do. And when they come and want to blame the Rethugs for things they themselves set in the world, I see red. Export of firms to 'elsewhere'? With losses of jobs? Oh yeah, NAFTA. Which Bill created. Yes, that was one HELL of a good move....

And of all the speeches I have heard so far, yeah, they want equal rights for all races, women should earn as much as men, (which is good), and on and on. But once again, gender issues get ignored. Not surprising from the asshole who invented 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'. That was so absurd, I can't begin to explain....

Joe Biden gave a good speech. I knew of him, but not much. I think he won some contour.

He was good.

Larry King is driving me insane. He gets panels of Repubes to comment on the days' events, and wants Dems to do the same next week. I can't stomach more than fifteen minutes of that trash, even though the panel seems to have kept from going 'below the belt'. I just can't look at their faces. Disgusting.

But at least they seem weak on the spin......

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