Yeah, double 'Standards' once again....

As if the MSM had any...

In all the reporting on gold medal winners, they gave you every detail you never wanted to know about them, their families, their histories, diets, gawd knows what....

One of the most moving moments for me was this heavy-weight class weight lifter from Vienna who fell in love on the internets, moved to Germany, took citizenship there not long ago, and then his wife was killed in a hit-and-run accident eighteen months ago. His joy at winning was indescribable to watch.

At the award ceremony, he held up the medal, and a photo of his wife, because he wanted her 'to be there, because she believed in me.' It choked me up, that gesture, and I don't want to know what he went through to get it. The media tried to turn it into a sob-story, but he wasn't having any. And he headed them off at the pass, and said, it was HIS acheivement, but she had believed in him, so he wanted her to be there, although he felt that she WAS anyway. Slap-down. So he 'brought her along', as it was.

The other side of the picture is in the link in the title. Remarkable story, especially as the meme goes, you can't be openly gay in sports and win a gold medal. And the homophobia there is so great, one of the last great bastions of, 'Oh no, not possible.' Well seemingly it IS. Why can't people just grow UP, hey. And what a role model for young people who get dumped on every day of their lives and made to believe they are inferior, and sometimes commit suicide? His acheivement shows 'you can DO it.' And that would be a good thing.

If it weren't for the ASSHOLES who make up stupid rules, and do the same on the side themselves...

There was a link to this at one am on the AP in Yahoo that I didn't follow, as I was having troubles with Lazarus, but caught it today. And that one went down the memory hole so fast, you can't find it any more.

Ok, enough for disgusted. Have to get ready for a date. Going to the movies.

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