Well, THIS is interesting.....

Lobbyists! Fuckers!

I was right to smell a RAT.


That ineffectual excuse for a human being.....

You will have to excuse me. But I get really off the charts for extremely angry when it comes to that stupid twit..

Just another corporate whore, hey...

Who gets an oil tanker named after her, HUH? An OIL TANKER.

And who gets to go shopping for one thousand dollar pairs of shoes at Ferragamos in New York, visit a popular musical (and get booed for it), and a grand-slam tennis tournament in Flushing while poor African American people are drowning in New Orleans? I threw up, hey, and will NEVER forget that insult to all humanity.

And NOW she is out there, threatening the RUSSIANS?

Give ME a break

Someties I think, this is what 'through the looking glass' is-----

But Mcinsane, oh he is one wonderful candidate.. If you want to set the fucking WORLD on fire....


My Dad just gave me the moniker Grazilla for this one. It makes me so proud I could spiti, but get out of the way.... it might be radioactive....

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