Some things leave you spitless... Yes, they do

I made the mistake of surfing the internets.

Sen. McInsane parroted the most incompetent Dumbya. In the 21st century one does not invade sovereign nations.


We DON'T????


Were mistakes made, or something?

Leaving aside the estimated two thousand Georgians who died the past few days, and displaced tens of thousands who had their existance ruined.... tragic enough...

Did they forget about Iraq? And what they DID there? And are STILL doing?

Oh yeah, got it now. There's this big oil pipeline that runs from Russia through Georgia, you see. Says our bitches in the media....

So what the hell.... What is two thousand innocent civilian dead compared to keeping the fucking OIL flowing...

Hypocrisy. Pure and simple. And disgusting.

There are a mess of people who belong behind bars, but we will never see it. But they make me literally SICK.

2 Responses to "Some things leave you spitless... Yes, they do"

Anntichrist S. Coulter says
14 August 2008 at 20:27

Great post, hon, but I can't get the ThinkProgress link to load.

RenB says
15 August 2008 at 02:54

Thanks for telling me, darlin'. I fixed it. Or at least Lazarus let me, for a change.... He decided to cut off his vocal cords, and I get no sound... I think he KNOWS his days are numbered....