Adventures in Vista-Vision IV finding words...

There was a funny diary today about shoes on Kos, and it is gone now. I should have marked it for use, the entries disappear so quickly there... In it, one of the misuses of shoes was in France during a strike, and the French would place their sabots, (wooden shoes) behind train wheels to hinder them. From whence comes the word sabotage... So, you can still really learn something new every day...

The word of the day out on the 'nets was 'Ponzi scheme'. That term popped up all over the place, till I said, 'Whaaa??? Why don't I know this term?' Wikipedia is our friend, so that is how I learned about Charles Ponzi. Judging from the daguerrotype, I have no idea why anyone would have trusted him, but so it goes....

So, you see, the Internets aren't purely evil....

2 Responses to "Adventures in Vista-Vision IV finding words..."

megat says
16 December 2008 at 05:47

your blog very beautiful and more info ,make me excited. Congratulation!!.I come again

RenB says
16 December 2008 at 13:03

Thank you Megat! You are welcome to visit as often as you wish...