Psycho Santa

Oh yes, it was a lovely Nicolo out on the square. Saint Nick appeared at the market, only he was a BLUFF. He's been around here as long if not longer than I have, comes from the Middle East somewhere, and is bat-shit crazy. Have run into him several times in my life. Spend eight weeks lying in hospital with that guy coming in to sell newspapers and you can go bonkers yourself. Not too many light bulbs in the chandelier... But it was a nice day anyway.

I bought a cake for the tyke next door, and left it and rang the bell and scrammed. My neighbor caught me however, and said Nicolo had already been there. My first thought was to say he has Alzheimer's and forgot. But I settled for, 'That's because she was so good this year.' (Lame, so lame...) Whatever, I think A. liked the cake, so that was the main thing.

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