I hate it when I get sarcastic, and prove to be right...

Early Wednesday, looking at the re-hash of the inauguration over at Peter's on multiple tee-vee channels, and trying to warm up, I suddenly caught on to the flub in the swearing in of the oath thing, and told him, 'Oh fuck, want to bet some people aren't going to recognise him because he got it not quite right?'

It was a fucking joke on my part, by the way. Imagine my horror to wake up this morning and find this NON-STORY all over the papers, the tee-vee channels from CNN to Austrian and German stations to Al Jazeera. Petty? Pathetic. And it has begun... Faux News really rode it, but thank whomever we don't get to see them here any more.

President Obama did hit the ground running. 'They' are not going to give him one break, let alone one hundred days... (Or what have YOU been smoking???) The last ball guests hadn't gone home yet, and it began.

(You have to remember that because of the time difference, we get the brunt of yesterday's news a day later.... Unless you are up late at night, as I often am....)

There is a horrible journamalist on CNN in the London office we see here... He's a whiner of the first magnitude. And asked silly questions about expectations, and what he really can acheive, and his liberal intervieweees slapped him the fuck down. Negativism, pure negativism....

Adrian something or other. Petty. Whining. Nawsty.....

Al Jazeera was interesting today. I enjoy looking at 'Inside Story'. They picked apart President Obama's inauguration speech paragraph for paragraph, and discussed each one with experts from all over the Middle East, and England, and explained how they perceived it, and what it meant to them. Fascinating, just fascinating. Cautiously optimistic, little negative feedback.

Imagine my surprise to see a fairly long interview with Benita Ferrero Wallner, who was our Sec-State, and is now big in the European Union. As Sec-State, she was abysmal. Our Chanel-Barbie seems to have learned a lot in the past few years. As Christian Dem, I disliked her muchly. But today she impressed the shit out of me. Al Jazeera can be very confrontational with their questions. Which is what good journalism, REAL journalism, should be about.

She laid out what the policy line is, (it was about Gaza), wasn't sparing with critical words for both sides, but very diplomatic. As Austrian, that is one fine line to tread. She did very well, and went up some points in my estimation.

Whatever, on a more tongue-in-cheek note.... we lost our last Sec State in the last formation of our government a few mothths ago. Princess Sparkle Pony is gonna be without a job. He is a blogger out of DC, and luuuuuvvved him some Ursula Plassnik. She is tall, blonde., smart, a full-blooded diplomat, elegant, and did a lot of good, and was very respected by all sides of the spectrum. PSP sort of fell in love with her. And used to post photos of Condi's faux pas in fasion, juxtaposed to the 'fabulous' 'Ushi'. Hokay, whatever gets you off, found it strange, but have immense respect for the woman. Ushi, not the pianist.)

So, you see? There ARE other things going on in the world.....

Oh yes.... for the fluff, Aretha Franklin was on the tube. She was not happy with her performance, defended her hat, (and my gay gene has to come to the fore here, and yelled, 'What were you thinking, lady???) But the voice.... If I had my druthers..... I would have wished that she would have sung 'Respect'. That really woke me up, and there are a lot of people who need that right now.

So what can we gather? There are a LOT of mean people out there in Never-Never Land. I hope those in power stay on course, and stick by their principles.

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