Oh... now I am an Islamist....uh-huh...

Perter got a 'box' from the Telecom a few weeks ago, and you can watch the english version of Al Jazerra on it. Skeery..... Frightening.

It would be wise to send young children out of the room.

On the one hand, he yells about how N-TV doesn't cover what is happening in the Middle East. I fucking told him three times that CNN bought near to fifty percent of their stocks, and they have to report what they want us to hear. They used to be good....

The STATE tee-vee isn't any better, and everything here is slanted to the poor people in Israel who are getting bombs on the street. uh-huh... That is fine and good, but.... no one there is seeing what is happening in Gaza.

I am so SICK of seeing the 'collateral damage', babies, and young children half blown up. I am so TIRED of seeing grieving parents, and the coffins. Am so disgusted at the rage they always engender, on both sides....

And Peter? He turned into a fucking Republicunt. Cheering it on. And I am the fucking 'Islamist' because I have some sort of compassion.

And because I can still THINK, I'm an Islamist in his eyes.

We yell a lot.

'It is biased!'

'All news is biased, but if you know where it is coming from you can gain some truth from it.'

'It is one-sided!'

'Have you been listening? They put hard questions to BOTH sides, and they take the gloves off. '

'And you are an Islamist. You want everyone to wear horrible clothes and cover themselves up.'


Now you know... Some days I do not like to get out of bed....

BUT... as soon as I go over, he demands that I turn on the box so he can see Al Jazeera.


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