
which means 'ouch' in German. I did my duty call to Peter. (shrug) My eyes are 'sweating' ... again.

In which he asked me three times if I were going down there tomorrow.

After telling him three times I'd be there on Monday. Aua... 'There are intensities to how you say it, and it cut into me. Deeeply.

To top it off, I got some terrible news yesterday. It set off my waterworks, and I will and cannot speak about it. My eyes start leaking and don't wanna stop.

It was like a major earthquake for me... or a break in the watermain....

Ya know... sometimes Gawwd, whoever she is, can be a real bitch. And you get all the stuff 'bundled', and it comes at once and knocks you down? Like a flood or a mudslide? That is sort of how it feels, with a kick in the 'nads for good measure....

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