I want to make something clear here....

About W.

There was no physical attaction. Evah.

He's hopelessly hetero.

We lived in close quarters for three and a half months, were both insomniac, and talked a blue streak till three or four in the A.M.

He used my shower, and was a bit shy about it at first. I gave him his privacy. It would not have OCCURRED to me to 'check him out'.... Unethical, much? It 'would have been'. Wasn't gonna happen.

And didn't.

The other stuff was intense.... him telling me how his father beat the crap out of him, and he was good at school, but he hurt him so badly, he got relegated to 'special classes', and having a teacher who 'believed' in him and got him back into the regular school...

He lived in a world of hurt.

But the Legion gave him a discipline that is rare.

Oh yeah, he's killed people---in wars. He was mostly a mechanic, but if there was a fight on, he had to fight, and it nearly killed him inside.

So... I think it was about 'bonding'.

I'd like to kill his father for doing that to him, but he is long dead.

I recently told someone that children need a post-it sticker on their foreheads with the admonition, 'Handle With Care'.

Not beat them up or mistreat them.

So you give and you get, hey....

I never go LOOKING for stuff in my life, have had ENOUGH adventure.

W. came into my life unexpectedly, and whaddaya know... Calls me every week or so, and is like a brother. With lots of bossy advice, and stuff... he's an Aires, what did you expect.... but for me he is family.

So where am I going with this? Don't Ask, Don't Tell. It is so wrong. W. knew. He HATED Americans and gays. But I was somehow ok for him. I never understood that twisted thinking...

The FACT is, we co-existed on a decent level, and were of help to one another.

So no one hurt anyone else. Why don't they understand that, huh?

He's my bro'. And I came to care for him like that. He's 'family'.

That is what GLBT people do. They find 'family'.

W. calls me. No one else ever calls me.

Am curious as to how he is gonna get his son and former girlfriend back to Austria out of Ethiopia.

That won't be easy.

2 Responses to "I want to make something clear here...."


A month ago I was exactly feeling how you are feeling now, in pain, crying, heart broken, and then I found this site saveabreakup.com and I followed their instructions, I had my girlfriend come back to me in no time so fast!! I was so so happy and I'm still very happy, don't give up! I suggest you view the free videos that tell you what to do on saveabreakup.com

RenB says
21 September 2010 at 15:11

Sonny, or darlin---Spam

Didn't really read it, didja.