Cultural war at election time...

WHY in the world are things 'hot buttons'?

I spent this morning watching 'da V's' favorite villainess locked in a poisoned sarcophagous, and she was able to watch what was going on via a monitor inside of it with a remote she dropped. And said, 'this thing has less channels than cable Tee-VEE.' Thinking of Annti, I exploded with laughter. Am SURE she is gonna get out of there, and there will be hell to pay.

I am the grouchiest person you EVER want to encounter when I wake up. Even with Peter. 'DON'T even talk to me before I have my corfee.' So I don't usually go to the news right away, because it will make me 'scratchier'..

Well... I don't drink corfee any more. Doesn't agree with me, and I guess I had my life supply. It's how I see it. So I went to see Rachel. This clip is... well you get taken aback.

Yeah, most of it is on the abortion issue the Rethugs are putting out. But the 'gay agenda'? Which is gonna RUIN every heteros lives? Really.... That is sort of odd, you know? As long as I've lived, I'm gay... And have travelled widely, and oh gawwd.... met lots of people. And you know what? I never ran into a group that wanted to destroy heterosexual couples' LIVES... I never met ANYONE who was in an 'underground', and had an agenda, or tried to harm heterosexual couples. Maybe I was a 'wuss', and they didn't want to indoctrinate me, but lets face it. It's off-the-charts-crazy.

W. is the perfect example. He is so hetero, his testosterone goes over 100% Spent three and a half months crashing on my floor on the sofa cusions. And hated Americans and gays. But I was 'ok' in his estimation. So, if there was an 'agenda', I'd have turned him right around, and fucked his head up so he would never look at a woman again.

Never happened, didn't want it to, you don't MESS with people like that and you would fuck them up. So badly. You can't change what IS, hey. But you can bond, respect one another, and that is fine. And be 'brothers'.... Have each others' backs... And I think that happens in the armed forces. It's about trust.

So, ya know...

With all these ARSEHOLES bloviating and making up stuff about DADT, and oh wow, someone's gonna see you in the shower, or make a move on you... in all that time... I saw W's hiney once. Once. He didn't close the bathroom door, and I went to get something out of the kitchen. My goodness, what an agenda. And I was EMBARRASSED. And excused myself, and ran back into my room. Not that I was stalking, it was invading his privacy.

I've already DONE my post about women, and being denied their reproductive rights. But I DO get really angry when I hear about a 'gay agenda'-. It doesn't exist. We do get angry, and have to take the hits.

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