Now that I have been a grouch for a week...

we can turn to some satire, ok?

I found this on Crooks and Liars. For weeks I got criticised for being cheerful, it being the season, and all. I like Kitsch, and the season, hey. I just found it nice. Had nothing to do with what I believe.

But I found someone tonight who can top anything my friend can offer: a rogue elf who writes nawsty awful letters to children. If you click, keep in mind it is satire. Actually, it reminded me of the more biting things from my childhood. I haven't seen those magazines since the Fifties, but they certainly formed my sense of humour. MAD Magazine. If you read those when you were eight or nine years old in the Fifties, believe me, you end up with an odd sense of humour.

And this guy reminds me so much of that.

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