Today the country shut down... ummm, Christmas...

Silent night? You might as well be in a tomb, if you do not have immediate family here. So that is why I like to work on this day. And it gives my nice colleagues, who have families and in one case, small children, a bit more time they can spend with them.

It is the biggest, and most private holiday for Austrians. The mornings are always stressful, masses of lemmings buying buying buying those last-minute things. Then everything, the public world ends by two pm. Except for us people in sectors like hospitals, fire-departments, police, and... hotels. The restaurant people get off the hook. They clos
e. Hungry people passing through? Are just going to have to do without till tomorrow. My guests are all visiting families who will feed them way too much food, so no problem there....

Groceries. Had to get groceries, lots. Because nothing is going to open till December 27th as for supermarkets and markets. Nothing. (The 26th is the Feast of Stephen, of 'Good King Wenceslaus' fame, and a holiday too.) I detest it. Being a single householder these days, I think I am being frugal and still buy too much, just in panic that I won't have enough for three days. But there always is, however.

By five p.m. the streets are empty, no traffic at all, hardly. People with families will be ushering in the little ones to be astonished by the Christmas tree, ablaze with candles, and so on, as I am writing this. And opening presents, and so on. Then there is a traditional Christmas Eve dinner, usually fish, for some reason. Tomorrow will be visits to the extended family and the usual stuff as is done in the US. The day after, people seem to go to the movies, mostly.....

So this is the day I get left baby-sitting a big house for a few people, they go out, and it is very very quiet. This year it is a bit melancholy as well. One of our regulars has gone missing for the first time in thirty-one years. No word from him. In hospital? Dead? No idea.

And was thinking about St. Stephen's holidays past, which was usually my turn to get a free day, and then I would throw a small, really cool dinner party for a few people, and it was fun. Now, all of those people have passed away as well, and the only one remaining is bed-ridden and not able to leave her house. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, as I've seen about one generation per decade leave the world stage in all that time. So this is the evening when I stop and call them back to life in my memory, and fondly remember them.

Even more miserable-making is knowing that my ex is sitting by candlelight, no electricity in the appartment, not enough wood left to get through the next three days heating if the current cold snap doesn't let up, and is alone. The children next door brought him a tiny tree in a pot and decorated it very nicely, at least. Otherwise, this is probably going to be the most dismal Christmas I have ever experienced, I'm afraid.... The day I'm off, will have to cook something at my appartment, and take it over to his, so he gets one festive meal, at least. Roast venison with red cabbage and mashed potatoes. (Got to the store late, and the meat was on sale at half-price so it wouldn't sit in the supermarket and spoil, therefore it was cheaper than beef.)

And no, am not moaning and groaning up above. Just a tad introspective, but this day always does that....

At least I did get myself that birthmas present, and so glad I did. (The camera.)

For those of you who stumble by here, wish you much happier holidays than mine. And inter-familial peace, and good friends, and health. Those things are more important than anything.

2 Responses to "Today the country shut down... ummm, Christmas..."

Anntichrist S. Coulter says
25 December 2007 at 08:03

If I had it to do over, all of those xmases and other pseudo-xian pseudo-holidays, that I'd set up my own little system to make SURE that I was working and that I could avoid the whole clusterfuck, I'd have done it all so differently. Not because I have any sentiment for the manufactured holiday itself, or the commercialism-masquerading-as-meaning bullshit that goes with it, just that I'd have spent so much more time with Nannie and Tater.

Hell, if I had it to do over again, I'd probably still be in radio, but I had no idea then what I know now. NOW I would happily skip all holidays entirely, if only to stay in bed. But yes, it is nice when you have a nice, quiet, peaceful job to go to, with no one else about, and just you and the peace and the music. And no fucking xmas songs!!!!!!

Agent Orange wishes that she could give me a "decent christmas," all that I really want is for there to be NO xmas at all, no xians to shove their shit down my throat, especially on the gubmint dime, and my bank would function properly, there'd be no early closing of any stores, and life would just go the fuck on.

That's what I'd like as a New Year's resolution. No more xians. Is that asking so much?

RenB says
25 December 2007 at 09:36

Annti, what an honour! Why seeing you here is like }}}}Christmas{{{{ or something.... (Sorry, I couldn't help it....)

You are right about the peace and quiet. Only it can lead you to wander through things in your mind that you would rather leave alone. There was no music. Turning on a radio any time during these three days would lead to severe depression or violence against defenseless household appliances. And if I were there, I would probably be wearing the most heavy-duty ear plugs I could find.

So my wish is that you have peace and quiet, and no one bothers you with their beliefs.

And by the way, did you notice that the above description has nothing about religion in it? I didn't 'forget' to mention anything about it. I do not know one single person who will be inside a church during these three days! It is more about family and tradition here, and that is all.

Here at least, they still leave you pretty much alone.

BTW, do you like my new template? I'd like to say that Baby Jeebus came by and changed it to what I had wanted, but he was busy getting Igor the Rogue Elf back into line after Santa came back from his bender, so I had to do it myself. Lost me some widgets, in so doing. Blog roll and link to you will be up again this afternoon.

Big hug for ya! And sssshhhh! Hear that quiet?