Ok, so NOW I am about to hinder world peace... Who would have thought-....shit

Some days you shouldn't get out of bed, you know? Not feeling well, caught cold taking the setting the river on fire for world peace pictures, and feel dizzy, literally....

So was doing the wash... And went out to the internets to find news... Dismal. As usual. Depressing. As usual. I didn't expect more, to tell the truth...

And there was this item on a gay page, just news mostly, but will not link because it doesn't concern breeders. And there it was. The Pope is going to tell the world that us gay and lesbian people are gonna hinder 'world peace', by getting married or having civil unions. Uh-HUH!

Because, PRECIOUSSES, and this puts me into Gollum mode, because....people will think of what constiutes a family differently. Riiiiight...

So. Where is the connex? It makes no sense to me. Last time I LOOKED I still had an IQ of 117 on a good day... Why should looking at what constitutes a family 'differently' hinder world peace, huh? Well just FUCK that SHIT.

Just between us and the doorstop.... I have lived nearly six decades, and I got USED to being blamed for all the evil in the world, just for being 'different'. I spent over twenty years loving a man. A civil union, or a 'marriage' never occurred to me nor was something that I would have wished for. I wanted equal RIGHTS. I was very lucky, most times. Even after he became ill. They always let me in. Bet you can't imagine how that feels, can you. It was far worse with the bank stuff. Some people think they are not predjudiced, but it leaks out, and is disgusting.

But that isn't what this is about. Families. Well, after nearly six decades, I know about them....

Oh yes, I do, Preciousses.

Families. I left home fairly young. I found family in the wonderful people who took me in, guided me, were THERE for me. Friends who were so kind, I was left breathless. As in, 'who could like ME', you know? Unfortunately, most of them died in the Eighties and Nineties. So I had a 'family'..... and then I lost them. One by one, the most beautiful people I could ever have wished for as friends. They were amazing, talented, and I got left behind. But they were my family, and I loved them from the bottom of my heart. And now this Wanker wants to come along and tell me what 'family' is about, and I'm a threat to world peace? Oh, just give ME a break, hey.

And sooner or later... you are on your own. So what was so damned Un-catholic about that? And how CAN THAT ANNTICHRIST DARE tell me that I am shit, and threaten world peace? Just how fucking DARE he, that Nazi- child-thing, dried up prune of an ASSHOLE who is supposed to be SO eductated, tell ME that I am gonna threaten World Peace because of how I LIVE?. He doesn't know shit. But he has a very pretty very young assitant that all Italy has gone ga-ga over. Right.

How DARE you. And I will Not give you another thought, Mister.

If you were truely, TRUELY Christian, you would leave us the fuck alone.
We never HARMED anyone. It DISGUSTS me.

2 Responses to "Ok, so NOW I am about to hinder world peace... Who would have thought-....shit"

Unknown says
15 December 2007 at 07:22

word. that's pretty fucked up. pope don't know the times have been changing, evidently... what has family structure got to do with anything???

RenB says
15 December 2007 at 11:59


No sense to it at all. Sorry my keyboard doesn't do cyrillic. That I know of.

But it is non-logical voodoo like that that sets me off on a rant. Which is sort of like health insurance, you know? Keeps me some sort of sane, in other words, and my blood pressure under 200.

Thanks for reading.