Every time I See these clowns, I get bloody angry...

So which is it? You want health care? Yes, it is gonna cost something. Nothing is for nothing, for Pete's sake. But every time I see John fucking Boehner's face, I want to punch him half dead. Some people's lives are at stake, but these assholes are playing politics and being sore losers at the cost of those who are losing them. And that disgusts me.

link HERE

Someone should give Boehner some REAL blue eyes..... if I had my druthers...

And oh yes... if Boehner isn't the biggist gay in government right now, I am going to have to get my gaydar fixed, guaranteed, because he sets off all my alarms, and not in a good way.

And Mitch McConnell remains a turtle, and will never become a ninja....

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