I do NOT want you to know how disgusted I am...

The birther thing was bad enough.

The Deather mode is really so fucked up that even Hitler wouldn't have thought it up, but seemingly, there are Hitlers in Murka. 'Bama is gonna kill all seniors.' Because they are getting fucking big bucks from the pharmaceutical firms and insurances, and they have this 'AGENDA'. Scare old people to death, and we get tons and tons of money!

I am so fucking speechless.... I don't know what to write, I really don't.

Oh, I knew that they would come up with something so nefarious it would be to throw up for. I suspected it.

Here, God is gonna punish us again with a bad thunderstorm.

It is thundering close to my house, and the rain is pouring down.

Butcha know what? It'a just a storm....

I so wish that would be what you all wanted....

So shortened....

No one over here denies care for people of any age, and the older they are, the sooner they get mended.

No one fucking WAITS for anything. Especially if it is dire...

Jeebus, Fuck, and Christ on a mule and the fucking donkey or TRex he rode in on, hey...

(I try to be nasty to ALL beliefs...)

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