NOW I am chagrined. and angry...

I waited a full day to cool off, but am still angry.

What year are we in? 1949, or something? Or is everybody heading back that way...

It doesn't matter, I guess.


Kicking kids out of the pool because it reflects a 'bad complexion'.



Nice that they taught over 60 kids that they were not wanted because of the color of their skin. Right. 'Complexion'.

My ass!

It reminded me of a scene in the much underrated film 'Crazy in Alabama'. I think I will watch it again, just so I can get angrier, and find something to DO about it. Just sayin'.

After I throw up, that is....

And for those who don't know the film... the summary is here.

And oh yes... in case you watch it... Melanie Griffith kills her abusive husband, drives to Hollywood with his head in a hat box, wanting to achieve fame by getting a gig on Bewitched. So two threads. One funny, the other deadly serious, and then they blend. Rod Steiger was wonderful, btw....

And yes, just watched it again. It's still as powerful for me as it was when I bought it several years ago. Moreso. Because I thought that shit was OVER.

I just changed the number, sixty not eighty. I wrote it from the first reports. It still doesn't help those poor kids one whit.

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