And in more silliness... The Russians are Coming!

This film was so funny, I nearly shit my pants.

I grew up to be so afraid of Russians, I was petrified as a child. I got lectures in fifth class about how they were gonna come and take my parents away to re-education camps, thanks to Reader's Digest, and we would be indoctrinated, and be little robots who would do whatever 'dear leader' wanted. And we would get our parents as zombies back, once they were finished with them.

Hard times, my friends.... Scary times....


We kinda liked this ranting Repub idjit teaching us, because if a subject was boring, someone would get her on this rant, and it was amazing. Because, kids love a good scary tale.

I do not know how I got through grade school and be half-way intelligent, I swear.

Unlike the movie... I never saw anyone from Russia till I began working in Europe. And we got a group of 'tourists' (right) come in on a tour of visiting our agricultural set-ups, and to 'learn'.

It freaked me the fuck out beforehand.

I was gonna SEE the people who had been so demonised, and put my folks in prison and re-educate them, it was very upsetting.

And then they arrived. For a 'distinguished' group, they were really dressed down. And I thought, 'Fuck! They look like Americans!'

Something in my world changed that day. And that is why I love this film.

And since the US defused what Boosh wanted to do, appropriate.


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