This comes two days late, but wish to place my

feeling of sadness on-line. Mary Travers died. Yes, She of Peter, Paul, and Mary. For anyone who thinks that Obama was gonna indoctrinise people... She and her friends did more than even he would have dreamed of. They were elegant... for that time. Their lyrics were eloquent, and thought-provoking, and outright provocative.

I believe that they were the first music group who really hit me in the gut with their music. They made Dylan 'salon-fähig', acceptable, and gave credibility to things that were against the Viet Nam war, which came later.

They played live in a theater in the little town I grew up in, and I SO wanted to go. I did extra errands, so as to earn the money to go and see them. So I was a little groupie, before that term got coined. My plan got nixed by my 'rents. Because the concert was at night, you see....

They wouldn't let me go out nights. Which isn't any wonder to me nowadays, but at the time was crushing. I WANTED to see Peter, Paul and Mary perform. But there was a problem. I was somewhere between eight and ten years old. And in my family at that age... bed time was eight p.m. Period.

So I had to miss it. And never caught up with them ever again.

But they influenced me greatly. Obama? Pfft. Indocrination? Pshaw, get outta here! That group did more to raise my political conciousness than anything I can think of.

Now Mary Travers has passed on. I still so wish I could have seen her and her trio perform in my little burgh.

All that gets left is on YouTube. Their message wasn't strident. They sounded absolutely wonderful. And we get the loss. RIP.

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