Hmmm... sonic weapons used on civilians.... the new taser???

While watching the usual uproar surrounding a G20 summit, and seeing young people run from tear gas and pepper spray, one thing caught my attention. A big truck or ambulance-looking vehicle, with a sound I had never heard before.

Seemingly, it was a so-called sonic weapon. I've read some scattered reports on this over the past few years. Mostly coupled with sonic devices used by the navy which drives whales to become disoriented, and beach themselves, and a 'super-sonic' device which maybe caused the undersea earthquake which caused the deadly tsunamis in Thailand.... Which theory I shrugged off at the time, as it seemed sort of 'Star Wars' in its' craziness. But I never ruled out that some sort of super-sonar signals would disorient whales and dolphins, or parasites, the waste being poured into the oceans considered. Was open minded about it, but was a cause of concern.... (In the Seventies I was delighted to see a school of dolphins following the ship I was on in the Mediterranean. The last time... I didn't see a single one....)

Whatever that vehicle was... some are saying that it was a sonic device. And at even that level can cause disorientation, or deafness, even.

I don't know WHAT the hell that sound was on CNN before the pepper spray or tear gas flew, but even hearing it on the PC was very disagreeable, without knowing what it might have been.

Now, it is a GIVEN, that when the G20 summits take place, it attracts a mess of people who are very angry with globalisation, and they take to the streets, and a minority act inappropriately, and there are usually riots.

And passionate, young people get out of hand, damage gets done, but the powers that be don't seem to care and shove their agenda in your faces. And the police come in, and there is tear gas, and rubber bullets, and violence. We've had enough of that shit in Europe over the past years.

But something was different this time. Tja, Pittsburgh... There weren't so many people as elsewhere the past years. But they started running off, most of them....

And then CNN comes up with a report that sonic weapons were used for the first time... on Americans. And then there was this report. Click HERE.

Now if we take tasers as an example, which are seemingly given into the hands of incompetent scared police who would rather use them than do their jobs, and the reports on that are myriad...

What is going to happen if there really is such a new weapon for 'crowd control'?

In a crowd peacefully demonstrating?

Would they amp it up till they have a street full of dead people dying of brain hemmorhage, and problem solved? Or is it another scare tactic?

This is all hypothetical, and nothing is proven.

And we all get to be the sheeple...

There have been so many lies, and so much scariness in what has been going on the past months... I don't believe very much of what I see on what passes for 'news' or the 'tee-vee' or anything else for that matter.

After reading many things over many decades, I do not know what to believe any more.

But I DO know... I never heard a sound like that before.

And find it unsettling.

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